
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


“Let’s Go To The Zoo” Aurora- July 12-16


Welcome to Aurora blog again. Please enjoy your time reading our fun-learning activities this week.今週もオーロラブログへようこそ。今週の活動や様子をお楽しみください。

✅ Unit of Inquiry

For our UOI, we continued working on our first line of inquiry which is, The animals in our environment. We got to know some animals living in the mountain and in the ocean by watching the videos. While watching them we checked the animals that we stuck on the poster (based on our activity last week) if they belong to their appropriate habitat, if not, we removed them from the poster and stuck them to their right habitat. Off we went to the zoo. We saw many animals like flamingo, monkeys, ponies, goats, peacocks, etc. We had fun feeding the goats with grasses.

今週のUOIは、The animals in our environmentというLOIの探求を継続し学びました。ビデオ鑑賞をしながら、山に住む動物と海に住む動物を学びました。ビデオを観ながら、先週の活動で作成した動物達の居住地ポスターを再度確認をし、間違いに気がついたら、正しい居住地に貼り直す作業も同時に行いました。そして、木曜日、動物を見に、フィールドトリップに出かけました。flamingo, monkeys, ponies, goats, peacocksなどなど、色々な動物を見ることが出来ました。ヤギなどの小動物に餌をあげる体験もしました。

✅ Stranger Drill

We had a Stranger Drill this week led by Ms. Grenda. She reminded us a few important things when strangers come our way like, we should not talk to them, we should not take anything from them, we should not go anywhere with them, and most importantly, we should ask for help and scream if needed to be safe. Thank you Ms. Grenda for explaining it to us clearly with your visual aids.


✅ Phonics and Tracing

For our phonics, we learned the letter L /l/ for leaf, lock, lion, lotus, and lamp and then we colored the objects and we traced the letter K.

フォニックスでは、L,lを学びました。leaf, lock, lion, lotus, lampの単語も覚え、それぞれの単語の絵に色塗りをしました。kのトレーシングまで、今週行いました。

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / “Let’s Go To The Zoo” Aurora- July 12-16