
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Our Story – Shooting Star 10/4 -10/8

We started our new unit this week: How We Express Ourselves. In this unit, we will be talking about how storytelling allows us to share our identity, feelings, and experiences. We will be inquiring about the Elements of the Story, Ways to understand a story, and the different ways of telling a story.

This week we engaged the whole class in the unit by tasking them to draw their favorite story; every student had the chance to express their identity by sharing what type of story they like.

We also started to talk about The elements of the story this week. We focused on the Setting of the story, the Characters, the Sequence, and the types of the story: Fairy tale, Adventure, and Fable. The whole class had so much fun trying to remember the story behind each picture shown in the presentation.

Finally, our class was able to meet the Gon Family: The Polygon shapes. They loved the lessons so much and had fun getting to know each shape: Pentagon, Hexagon, Octagon, Decagon, Nonagon, and Heptagon.

We practiced Alliteration in our Phonics class this week. Alliteration is when words have the same beginning sound and use in one sentence. The students loved the lesson and were good enough to be able to make their examples: Tomoya and Togo tried to touch the turtle. Louis likes lions and many more.
フォニックスでは引き続きAlliteration(頭韻)を学びました。今回のレッスンは自分たちの名前を使って色々な文章を作ってみました!例えば、TomoyaとTogo がタートルをタッチしようとした(Tで始まる単語を並べた文章です)などです。子どもたちは自分たちの名前が出て、とても楽しそうでした😊

The whole of ISN has started decorating their classrooms for the Halloween party. We will be showcasing our craft at the Halloween party and we can’t wait for everyone to see it.
SSさんはハロウィンパーティに向けてクラフトを作りました!こわ〜い蜘蛛を紙皿とモールを使って作りました。怖そうな色合わせを考えながら、絵の具で皿を塗り、先生が前もって開けておいた八個の穴にモールを通し、指でひねって蜘蛛の足を作ります。先生の指示を聞き、指先を上手に使ってツイストさせることができました👏後は目の玉を何個かつけて出来上がり!こわ〜〜いスパイダーの完成です🕷🕸 大きな蜘蛛の巣は先生がボンドで描いた蜘蛛の巣にみんながティッシュを手でさいて小さくしたものをパラパラして作りました!出来上がった時、子供たち全員が自然と拍手をしだしたので、SSクラスとしてのまとまり、チームワークをしっかり感じられた瞬間でした💕

Thanks for reading Our story! We will share more in the following days, so look forward to it! 🙂

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Our Story – Shooting Star 10/4 -10/8