
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Busy and happy! – Shooting Star 11/9 – 11/12

It was a busy and productive week for Shooting Star! The Christmas show is around the corner that is why we don’t stop practicing and getting ready for our play! We can’t wait to show it to our loving family and friends.

We had a special game for phonics this week – Match and Spell: Each group was given picture cards; they were tasked to identify the object in it, pronounce and listen to the short medial vowel sound and write the words in the matched column under the vowel letters.
フォニックスでは「マッチ&スペル」ゲームをしました。6つのグループに分かれ、絵の描かれているカードを見てその単語のスペルをみんなで考えます。その単語(3つのレターからなる単語)の真ん中にある母音の枠に単語を書きます。どのチームがたくさんの単語のスペルを書けるか争うゲームです。初めてやるゲームですが、チームワークが抜群だったのでたくさんの単語を協力して書くことがありました。とてもエキサイティングしたので、先生達もとても楽しむことができました笑 またチームを変えてこのゲームをやろうと思います!

This game helps the students to exercise their ability to segment phonemes, practice their spelling skills and sharpen their reading ability.

For IB, we have started to talk about the third line of inquiry: Different ways of telling a story. This LOI will help the students to discover different ways of storytelling.

For this week’s task, the whole class was encouraged to tell their story through a comic book. Each student flaunted their creativity to the class by coming up with their character, story plot, and lines.

For our extra activity, we read poems and try to understand the context by answering the questions given. This activity helps the students sharpen not just their reading skills but also their comprehension ability.

We will never allow this season to end without making a craft that reflects this beautiful time of the year. The leaves we picked last week were turned into a piece of art. We will never forget this craft, for the process of making it was exceptional and extraordinary; it made our bond stronger! I hope you will like them, too!

Till the next blog! Have a fantastic weekend!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Busy and happy! – Shooting Star 11/9 – 11/12