
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora:“We Think Of Ways To Communicate”



This week has been filled with great learning experience in Aurora.


Everyone has their story to tell every after school.


👉 Unit of Inquiry

UOI has been always an exciting moment in our learning. We always review our theme; How We Express Ourselves, Central Idea; Ideas and feelings can be communicated in a variety of ways, Unit of Inquiry; Ways to communicate with others, and our learner profile; risk-takers, balanced, and communicators. We tend to remember them as we read and talked about them constantly. We always integrate our learner profile to our learning experiences, both inside and outside of the class. This week, we talked about ways to communicate with our friends using gestures. We used both kind words and hurt words that we discussed last week and tried to put them into action using our body. Aurora students strived to show their utmost gestures in front of the class. Good job, Aurora.

UOIはいつでもオーロラさんにとってエキサイトするくらいのワクワクを感じる時間です。毎回現在のテーマである”How We Express Ourselves”、セントラルアイディア” Ideas and feelings can be communicated in a variety of ways ”、それにUOIの” Ways to communicate with others ”を確認することから始めています。学習者像である、 risk-takers, balanced, communicators の3つもかならず声に出して確認をしています。コンスタントに復習することで、テーマやセントラルアイディア、そしてUOIについてはどの子も覚えつつあります。クラス内外の活動を通して、学習者像と学びの経験を結び付けています。今週は、ジェスチャーを使ってお友達とどのようにコミュニケーションをとることができるのかを学びました。先週な学んだお友達に対して思いやりのある言葉と傷つけてしまう言葉の両方を使い、身体や表情を使ったジェスチャーで表現してみました。クラスの前に立ち、精一杯の表現を見せてくれました。

👉 It’s Park Time

The weather was nice. We walked to the park and had so much fun playing together. We made sure to walk with our safety rules in mind. Our social skills have been developed progressively as we constantly interact with our friends.


👉 Gym Lesson

Yay, we had a new gym activity this week, it’s a jump rope. We made a single line and jumped one by one, by twos, or even more. Everyone had so much fun.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora:“We Think Of Ways To Communicate”