
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


The Little Presenters! – Shooting Star 11/22 – 11/26

The weather is getting colder every day but it never bothered us in any way! We are still productive and active – learning many things and having fun all the time!

This week for UOI the students have told their story through a Japanese Paper Show or Kamishibai. Before doing the activity, we watched a video where they were taken back to the old-time here in Japan: Storytellers on a bicycle would stand on the street, click his wooden clappers to call the attention of his audience, usually children, and tell a story using kamishibai. The kids were able to learn not just how to tell a story through kamishibai but also learned something about Japanese literature.

It was also this week when the students inquired on how to tell a story through a stage play. The word dialogue was introduced to them: dialogue is the exchange of lines of the actors in the story, and this is what they use to tell the story. After watching, we tried to compare how the actors performed on the stage and tried to copy them in our performance for the Christmas show.

Our shooting star students are getting better and better at reading as days go by. In Phonics we did an activity where the students needed to spell the word the teacher gave: they needed to sound each letter and write on the whiteboard like: /l/ /e/ /g/ = leg, /m/ /o/ /p/ = mop etc. All of them were so confident and wanted to have their turn. We will do this activity more to sharpen their reading skills more and hone their phonemic awareness, too.
SSさんのみんなのリーディング能力は毎日向上しています。フォニックスでスペルの練習もしました。リーディングも一緒で読み方がわからない単語を読むときは、単語のアルファベットを発音しながら読みます。leg なら l-e-gと一文字ずつ発音しながらスペルを書いていきます。みんな前に出てホワイトボードに書きたいと言う気持ちがいっぱいで大きく挙手をしている子どもたちがとても可愛らしかったです。これからもフォニックスで学ぶスペリングで、リーディング能力をどんどん高めていきたいと思います!

Choo Choo Train at the Gym! The kids had a fantastic activity in P.E this week. The teacher had turned them into human trains. It was good practice for everyone to act unitedly and learn that the actions of one could affect the whole group in both positive and negative ways, so being sensitive to other people and their needs is very important.

We always start our day with morning routine. In morning routine we not just dance and sing songs, but also we practice how to be a good presenter: students stand in front of the class and present the day, season and the weather. It is part of their training on how to be a good speaker in the future.

More subtraction practice for math through games! They love it when we incorporate games in their lessons, they are more motivated and more engaged!

Have a good weekend and See you all in the next blog!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / The Little Presenters! – Shooting Star 11/22 – 11/26