
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Time to be Merry (Meadow- December 6th-10th)

楽しみな季節 Meadowクラス12月6日から10日より

Hello everyone,


Christmas is in the air! As we draw near to our most awaited event, “The Christmas show,” our little ones do their best practicing the dance every day. Some of the kids memorize the song and sang it in a big voice while dancing. We are excited to dance on the stage and the kids can’t wait to show it to their parents.

クリスマスの季節ですね! みんなが一番待ち望んでいる行事が近づいています。それは子供達が毎日一生懸命練習をしている「クリスマスショー」です。歌を覚えていて、ダンスしながら大きな声で歌っている子供達もいます。舞台でダンスををするのを楽しみにしており、お父さん、お母さんにそのダンスを見せるのが待ちきれない様子です。

When children hear about Christmas, what pops up in their minds is “present”. In connection with our topic, we are learning about “Toys”. This week, we learned the names of toys using flashcards then we did an activity “open the box”. We asked each student to open the box around the Christmas tree and encouraged them to say “ It’s a… robot, teddy bear, rocket. yo-yo and etc. They enjoyed opening the box and were curious about other boxes.

子供達がクリスマスについて聞く時、頭にまず浮かぶのは「プレゼント」のことです。今月のテーマに関して言うと、「おもちゃ」について学んでいます。今週はフラッシュカードを使っておもちゃの名前を学び、「箱をあけよう」という遊びをしました。個々の生徒にクリスマスの木の周りの箱を開けるように言い、 “ It’s a… robot, teddy bear, rocket. yo-yo and etc. などと言ってみるように促しました。みんな箱を開けるのを楽しんでおり、他の箱についても何があるのか興味津々でした。

Craft day


Our little learners enjoyed making their “Santa Claus” crafts. They had fun and were satisfied tearing the paper for Santa’s clothes. The act of tearing encourages finger and coordination skills. They then stuck on the eyes. nose and gloves. They also enjoyed sticking on the beard using cotton. They look like real Santa Claus.


Outdoor play


After rainy days, we enjoyed our outdoor play in the park and in the yard. Our little ones enjoyed walking to a distant park. They got used to crossing the road where there is a traffic light and they kept on reminding their friends of the safety precautions when crossing the road. See how they love nature and how they develop socialization. We love to capture the moments they enjoy with their friends.


Gym Day


During this cold season, we want the kids to be active and exert energy to keep them warm. On gym day, they enjoyed stretching, running around, and teasing their friends. They also enjoyed rolling their bodies on the mat.


Thank you for reading our blog. Have a nice weekend.


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