
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Milky Way March 5-9

今週の保護者面談では、子どもたちの成長した様子を保護者の皆様と共有でき、また子どもたちはその間The Projectで上の学年のお友達と遊ぶこともでき、とても有意義な時間となりました。保護者の皆様、面談にお越しいただきありがとうございました。
Another week is behind Milky Way. In only two weeks they will be graduating preschool and moving on to their new life as grade 1 students. I want to thank all the parents for coming to have a meeting with the teachers this week. The students seemed to enjoy the time they played in the Project as well.
The weather wasn’t made for playing this week, with many rainy and cloudy days, but the students kept themselves occupied with their geography projects. Everyone was asked to create a poster representing a certain country of the world and the interesting things about it. Students seemed to enjoy this task and produced some wonderful works.
This week was also the students last tennis lesson for this year. Everyone seemed to have a lot of fun in tennis everytime they went and had a wonderful relationship with their coaches.
Here’s hoping that the next week bring the students lots of fun and play!
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TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Milky Way / Milky Way March 5-9