
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Vegetable stamping(Meadow-August 22-26)

Hello everyone,

Daytime is getting shorter and mornings are getting cooler. Our youngsters had a lot of memories to cherish this summer. We enjoyed water play and getting in the water helped keep our youngsters cool down their bodies on hot days. Playing in the mud too, developed our kid’s socialization skills and got rid of stress. Since we tried playing in the mud, children now know the excitement and fun playing and touching the mud. During pool play, they also want to play with mud at the same time.


Vegetable stamping

We had a lot of fun learning about vegetables this month. This week, we did the vegetable stamping activity. We cut the vegetables into small enough pieces that the children can grab with one hand. We put all the materials on the table and invited the students to stamp together. Before we started the activity, we reviewed the names of vegetables. The children were able to recognize them and say their names. When they are finished, we allow the paint to dry. They created a piece of artwork using a unique material. Well done, Meadow.

今月は野菜について楽しみながらたくさん学びました!今週は、お野菜スタンプをしました😆 野菜を子ども達が片手でつかめるくらいに小さく切って、材料をすべてテーブルに並べ、スタンプをしてもらいました! 始める前に、野菜の名前の確認もしましたが、子ども達はよく覚えていて、きちんと名前を言うことができました😁 終了後、絵の具を乾燥させます。みんなユニークな素材を使って一つの素敵な作品を作ってくれました。 よくできたね!メドーさん💕

Recognizing BIG and small vegetable

Our youngsters also enjoyed picking up the flashcards and showing them in front of their friends. They were able to use the phrase ” It’s a big… carrot! “It’s a small… carrot and the same with other vegetables.

子どもたちはフラッシュカードを手に取り、友達の前で発表することも楽しんでいます。「It’s a big… carrot!」「It’s a small… carrot!」のように大小のフレーズも使うことができましたよ。他の野菜も同じように言うことができました。

Vegetable tasting activity

Our youngsters sat nicely and waited for their snacks. Some kids were timid to touch the vegetable stick in their bowl and some were very excited. We were surprised when we tasted them! Carrots, cucumber, and radish were juicy and crunchy and tomatoes were sweet. Most of the kids love it and asked for more.

小さなMeadowの皆、上手に座っておやつを待っていました。お椀に入った野菜スティックを触るのに恐る恐る…な子もいれば、大興奮の子もいました。みんな食べてみて野菜の美味しさにビックリ! ニンジン、キュウリ、大根はジューシーで歯ごたえがあり、トマトは甘みがありました。ほとんどの子が気に入ってくれて、「もっと食べたい〜!」と伝えてきてくれました💓 喜んでもらえてよかったです!😆

Superhero wristband

In preparation for the coming Sports Festival, we made a wristband to wear on the day. We cut the toilet roll and asked students to wrap them with shiny paper and stuck them on the stickers they chose. When they were done, they made a superhero pose.


Happy Friday!

It’s the last day of the week but our youngsters still have a lot of energy to do their tasks and play with friends. We had a lively music class when all sang ” Under the spreading chestnut tree” singing it faster and faster.

今日は金曜日ですが、年少組はまだまだ元気いっぱい、課題をしたり、お友達と遊んだりしています。音楽教室では、”大きな栗の木の下で “をみんなで早口で歌い、盛り上がりました!

Thank you for reading our blog. Have a nice weekend.


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