
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rainbow/Meadow Apr. 23-27

Greetings everyone! I’m Serena, the new teacher for Meadow class. It has been a fabulous first week with the children and my co-teacher Ms Hitoko. A big thank you too to Parents for preparing your child’s bag daily with all the necessities.
Our 2 year-olds are getting used to the daily routine – checking in, outdoor play, washing our hands before meals, dressing up, nap time and circle time.
This week our focus is on the colour ‘red’ and we played “I spy” game… “I spy with my little eye something that is red”.今週のフオーカスは赤色でした。I Spyゲームを楽しみ、小さな目で何か赤いものを見つけよう!と赤い色の洋服やカード、バックなどを探しました。[envira-gallery id=”17061″]
We worked on a craft banner for Children’s Day. It was a fish. Some of the children chose red. The children were able to hold their coloured markers, make lines and draw circles for their banners. Good job!こどもの日のクラフトで鯉のぼりを制作しました。ここでも習ったばかりの赤を選び、赤い鯉のぼりを作ったお友達もいました。子供たちはマーカーで描き、目と口を貼り制作を楽しみました。 [envira-gallery id=”17057″]
Rainbow and Meadow had Gym class on Wednesday. What a spacious gymnasium! Each child had a rubber ball. We tried kicking, bouncing, rolling and even sitting on the balls. It was great fun! The Gym Teachers also showed the children different ways to move to the music. ジムのレッスンでは体操をしたり、ゴムのボールで体を動かしました。ボールを蹴ったり、バウンドさせたり、転がしたり、またボールの上にお座りをしたりしました。[envira-gallery id=”17041″][envira-gallery id=”17050″]
月曜日のMusic クラスの様子です♪Have a great weekend!! [envira-gallery id=”17072″]

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / Rainbow/Meadow Apr. 23-27