
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


“Hello 2023”


Shooting Star class welcomed the new year with fun, joy, and love.
For our New Year craft, we made “Hagoita” as a symbol for our growth, health, and safety. What we made was we tore the origami paper into pieces and glued them on the milk carton to make it colorful. Then we decorated to make it beautiful.

We spent lots of time playing both inside and outside. We had so much fun playing with mud produced by the melting of snow on the ground. With our kitchen stuff at hand, we were so engaged to make something out of mud with our friends and lots of fun conversations in English took place.

We talked about the importance of chewing the food well. Shooting Star students understood that we need to do it to avoid stomachaches and cavities. The more we chew the food, the more saliva we get and that saliva helps protect our teeth from cavities.

We made pizza! Our goal was to develop our fine motor skills. We enjoyed cutting out the pizza crust and the ingredients to make a yummy pizza.
ピザを作りました! このアクティビティの目標は、手先の運動神経を発達させることです。ピザ生地と具材を切り出して、おいしいピザを作りました🍕

Have a wonderful long weekend everyone.
