
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


We launch our reading time

Hello Everyone,

Shooting Class felt like we just started over a new year, but now here we are in the mid of January. Everyday we gain new learnings by actively engaging with our environment.
This week, we launched our “Reading Time”. Now that we are ready to read, we want to make it a habit. We do it every Thursday. The students have to choose a book that they want to read and try to read it to the teacher and in case they can’t read certain words, then the teacher helps them. After reading it, they will be rewarded with a sticker. Students have to bring the book at home and read it to their family for a week. Then, the parents sign on the reading log and students bring it back to school.

今週から”Reading Time “が始まりました。文字が読めるようになってきなので、それを習慣にしたいと思います!Reading Timeは毎週木曜日に行います。自分の読みたい本を選び、その本を先生と一緒に読みます。読み終わったらご褒美のステッカーがもらえます♩その本を家に持ち帰り、お家の人と一緒に読みます。そして、お家の人にサインをしてもらい、また木曜日にスクールに持ってきます。

Our unit four has just begun and this is our last unit for this school year. Our Transdisciplinary Theme is “How We Organize Ourselves”. Our Central Idea is “Community helpers keep us safe and healthy”. And our first Line of Inquiry is “Helpers in our community”. We began this unit by making our IB wall decoration. Students grouped themselves and worked with their team members. The teachers gave each team the cut out words of the Central Idea and Line of Inquiry 1. The teacher pronounced the words and they searched for them. Once they found them, they glued them on a construction paper one by one. Then they used their colored pencils and crayons to decorate them. We voted for the best ones and displayed them on our IB wall section. As part of our prior knowledge assessment, we did mind map. Students were asked what buildings we can see in a community. The whole class engaged in the discussion. They wrote down their answers on a big paper. The teachers just helped them sound the letter of words they answered and they wrote them down with a marker. We watched a video about a community and we did worksheet activity. Students wrote down the names of people, places, and objects on the paper and they answered the worksheet by following the instructions.

Unit4の探究テーマは「How We Organize Ourselves(私たちはどのように自分たちを組織しているか)」です。セントラルアイディアは、「地域で働く人たちによって、私たちは安全で健康的な生活を送る事ができる」です。そして、最初のLOIは「私たちの地域で働く人たち」についてです!
このユニットでは、まずIBウォールデコレーションを作ることから始めました✨グループに分かれ、チームメンバーと一緒に作業をふしました!各チームにCentral IdeaとLine of Inquiry 1の単語を切り出したものを渡し、先生が単語を発音し、生徒たちはその単語を探しました。単語を見つけたら、一人ずつ画用紙に貼り付けていき、色鉛筆やクレヨンを使って飾り付けをしました✨その中から投票し、IBウォールコーナーに飾りました👏

We had our Gym lesson this week and for the first time, we played the skipping rope which helps improve our motor skills. At first most of the students were hesitant to jump, later on however, they actively engaged in all gym activities.


We walked to Tokyo Interior Park and we had lots of fun playing with our friends. What a wonderful week we had!


Have a fantastic weekend everyone.


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / We launch our reading time