
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Milky Way 31 May 2018

今週のMilky Wayは4月から行ってきたテーマ”私たちとは”が終わり、ゲームや外での活動、お絵かきや単語探し、クロスワードなど様々な活動を楽しみました。
This week Milky Way has concluded their investigations into the transdisciplinary theme Who we are, with the central idea being that understanding myself and others helps to build stronger relationships. They have spent the week reviewing the unit while enjoying liberal freed hours for games, outdoor activities and general free time during which they enjoyed drawing, colouring, attempting mazes, word searches and crossword puzzles.
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The brief, individual, (interview style) oral assessments with the Home Room Teacher to gauge their learning thus far in terms of a summative assessment for the theme, as well as other classroom attitudes and behaviours pertaining to selected social skills and research skills defined by a PYP, facilitation-team composed rubric has also been completed.
The class took time to file much of their unit-related work into their individual portfolios which were then available for the first parent-teacher conferences.
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6+6, 6のダブル、2×6、6のグループがふたつ、というような形式でその答えを言うことができるようになりました。
In mathematics the students have continued studying the doubling of numbers less than or equal to twelve, with the most time being invested in the numbers six through twelve (inclusive). Most students are now able to answer said integer values’ problems of the forms:
– Six plus six
– Double six
– Two times six
– Two groups of six
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Englishの時間では、は表音文字や子どもたちも大好きなSight wordsの時間、また前置詞(in, on, next to, etc)の言葉にも触れました。
In English, students are daily studying the pronunciations of various phonograms (single and multiple letter), as well as the recognition of sets of sight-words; a task they enjoy and are doing exceptionally well with. Additionally, the class has recently been introduced to the concept of prepositions.
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TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Milky Way / Milky Way 31 May 2018