
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Meadow:Keeping it cool in our pool! June 26th~30th

A warm hello to our dear readers.


Welcome to Meadow’s last blog of the month of June. Summer is offically here! To be precise, the first official day of summer this year was the 21st of June. There is a famous saying which goes, “for fun in the sun add a pool.” So the best part of our week was having fun in the pool!!

Meadowクラスの6月最後のブログへようこそ。いよいよ本格的に夏がやってきました!公式の発表では6月21日が今年最初の夏日だったようです。”太陽の下で楽しむにはプールを加えよ “という有名なことわざがありますが、この一週間のMeadowさんたちの一番の楽しみはプールで遊ぶことでした!

First day of fun in the swimming pool

Monday the 26th was our official first pool day.Thank you mommies and daddies for packing cute swimming suits for us. Everyone looked very adorable in their swimming costumes. It was almost like we were getting ready to head to the beach. The only thing that was missing were sunglasses!


Birthday party

A very happy birthday to our fellow nursery friend who turned 3 on the 12th of June! This month’s birthday party was hosted by Shooting star’s homeroom teacher. She dressed up like Jasmine from the movie “Aladdin” and sang the song “A whole new world” for the audience. Most of the Meadow class members love princesses so they really enjoyed the performance!

6月12日に3歳になったRainbowクラスのお友達、お誕生日おめでとうございます!今月のお誕生日会は、Shooting starクラスの担任の先生方が主催してくれました。映画「アラジン」のジャスミンの衣装を着て、”A whole new world “を歌ってくれました。Meadowクラスのみんなはプリンセスが大好きなので、とても楽しんでいました!


This week we went to a new gymnasium in Murai for gym class. It was quite a long bus ride compared to the rides we have been on before. Everyone enjoyed both the bus ride and the gym lesson.


There’s a shark in the park!

For story time we always try to read books that are related to our monthly topic. Our topic for June was “Sea animals” and Meadow’s favorite book was “There’s a shark in the park”. To summarize it, the story is about a boy who goes to play with his telescope at the park .He thinks he spots a shark on three occasions and he shouts “there’s a shark in the park!” Before the full picture is revealed, a portion which resembles a shark’s dorsal fin is shown. The pictures show a portion of these three things and they all resemble a shark’s dorsal fin. At first glance it really does look like a shark. When he takes a closer look though, he realizes that what he thought was a shark is just a cat, a crow and his dad.

ストーリータイムでは、毎月のトピックに関連した本を読むようにしています。今月のトピックは「Sea animals」で、お気に入りは「There’s a shark in the park」です。要約すると、公園で望遠鏡を使って遊んでいた男の子が、3回ほどサメを見つけたと思い、”There’s a shark in the park!”と叫ぶという話。サメの背びれに似た部分が映し出されて、一見すると本当にサメのようですが、お話が進みよく見てみると、サメだと思っていたものは、猫とカラスと父親だったというとても楽しいお話です。

We spent this week reviewing all the sea animal names we were taught over the span of this month. We had fun learning about sea animals this month and we look forward to beginning a new topic next month. Our topic for July is “insects.”

今週は、今月教わった海の動物の名前を復習しました。今月は海の動物について楽しく学ぶことができ、来月から新しいトピックが始まるのを楽しみにしています。7月のトピックは “昆虫 “です。

2か月間、一緒に楽しく過ごしてきたお友達が、今日でお別れすることになりました。一人ひとり、”Thank you!”と言ってハグをしました。楽しい思い出をありがとう!!また会える日を楽しみにしています!

Until next week, have a restful and enjoyable weekend!


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