
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


A Quick Trip to the Forest! Milky Way 8/28-9/1

Hello everyone!


On Monday, we had our monthly emergency drill for the case of an earthquake. Students were reminded what to do during an earthquake and how to evacuate safely after an earthquake by following some rules. Milky Way class did a great job on this drill. Once they heard the announcement of the earthquake, they all went under the table to protect themselves from falling objects, and put on their emergency hats quickly before evacuating outside. Well done!


After that, we had our Phonics lesson to review /ai/ and /ay/ digraphs. We played Stomp & Read, wherein students have to form the word of the picture to be shown by the teacher. After forming all the words, they go around and stomp on each letter while saying the sound it makes to form the word and be able to read them. It was a fun moving activity that our Milky Way students enjoyed! They worked together to form the words. That’s teamwork!!!

フォニックスレッスンでは、/ai/と/ay/の発音を復習しました。つづりが書いてある足の形をした紙を見つけて組み合わせるStomp & Readで、見せられた絵の単語を作ります。全部の単語を作ったら、各文字を踏みながらその文字が作る音を言い、単語が読めるようになります。ミルキーさん達たちはこのアクティビティを楽しんでいました😊みんなで協力して単語を作っていて、これぞチームワークでした!!

In UOI, we have a TEAMWORK and NOT TEAMWORK sorting activity during IB Time. Since they already have a knowledge of what teamwork is, we connect this to our Sports Festival practice and make a checklist of how we can show teamwork during practice. We also talked about goals and set some goals that they want to achieve for the upcoming Sportsfest.

UOIでは、IBタイムに絵の描かれたカードをTEAMWORKとNOT TEAMWORKに分けるアクティビティをしています。チームワークとは何かということは理解しているので、これをスポーツフェスティバルの練習につなげ、練習中にどうやってチームワークを発揮できるのかをみんなで考え、リストにしました。また、目標についても話し合い、スポーツフェスティバルに向けて達成したい目標を設定しました✨

Here are other activities that our Milky Way students enjoy during IB time:
Creative Area- Making flags around the world, making crafts using recyclable materials, and origami
English- Sight Words basketball, Sight Words Roll and Write, Compound Words Clipcard, and Counting Syllables Clipcard
Blocks Area- Making various objects according to the picture card chosen.
Math- Acorn Addition, Football Skip Counting, and Among Us Missing Number Writing

クリエイティブエリア- 世界の国旗作り、廃材での工作、折り紙など。
Englishコーナー- Sight Words basketball、Sight Words Roll and Write、Compound Words Clipcard、Counting Syllables Clipcard。
ブロックエリア- 選んだ絵カードに書かれた内容のものを作る。
算数コーナー- どんぐりの足し算、サッカーのスキップカウント、欠けた数字の穴埋めなど。

The most exciting part of our week is the field trip to the forest in Shiojiri. Everyone was very excited to see and catch insects. They got some dragonflies, grasshoppers, and larvae of stag beetles. They had so much fun walking around the forest with very tall trees while catching insects! They were like, “This tree is very tall! I think that is 199 years old! I want to catch a dragonfly! I don’t have an insect yet, I want to catch one!” I hope they can take care of the insects they got and see them grow, especially the larvae.


That’s all for now! Thank you for reading our blog and have a wonderful weekend!


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