
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Teamwork and Culture! Milky Way 10/9-13

Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success!


Milky Way class never forget what they have learned about Teamwork in Unit 2. They are always able to show it everyday in the class. When someone asks for help, they wholeheartedly help their friends. After IB time, they work together to clean up the activities they used. After lunch time, they wipe their own tables together with their seatmate. They also volunteer to sweep and wipe the floor together with the teacher while others are cleaning up the toys they used. When someone doesn’t know how to fold the origami, they would help their friend and do it together. At the garden, they take turns in watering the vegetables, they collected some rocks to make the fence for the radish, and they all helped in taking off the weeds around the vegetables. Great teamwork!


World Culture is the title of our Unit 3. What is the difference between earth and world? What is culture? Everyone was curious about these words. Earth is a planet and the world is the earth, together with all of its countries and people. Someone from the class knew what culture is. “It’s how they live, how they eat, what they eat, what clothes they wear, what their houses are like…” What a brilliant answer! To understand more  about what culture is, we did a sorting picture activity. Does it show culture or not culture? Someone asked, what is “Kumusta?” which was in the picture. It’s how we say “Hello” or “How are you?” in Tagalog (Philippines). Then when they knew the meaning of that word, they started to ask Ms. Marlyn “Kumusta?” Next week, we will explore Japanese culture for our LOI1. They wanted to learn about Japanese stories, food, music, and dance.

「世界の文化」がユニット3のタイトルです。地球と世界の違いは?文化って何?みんなこの言葉に興味津々でした。地球は惑星であり、すべての国や人々を含む世界が地球です。クラスのお友達が、文化とは何かということを知っていて、シェアしてくれました。”文化っていうのは、どうやって暮らしたり、どうやって食べたり、何を食べるか、どんな服を着て、どんな家に住んでいるのか……” 見事な答えでした!文化とは何かをより深く理解するために、絵を並べ替えるアクティビティをしました。それは文化なのか、それとも文化ではないのか?というものです。絵の中に「Kumusta」という文字があり、これは何?と質問がありました。フィリピンのタガログ語で「こんにちは」や「元気?」という意味です。その言葉の意味を知った子ども達は、早速フィリピン出身のマーリン先生に “Kumusta? “と尋ね始めました😊来週は、LOI1日本の文化を探求します。日本のどんな文化について探究したいか子ども達に聞くと、物語、食べ物、音楽、踊りについて学びたいという声がありました!

As part of Japanese culture, we would like them to enjoy making objects using origami. On Wednesday, we learned three terms we use in folding origami such as valley, mountain, and kite fold. We were able to see the difference among them and do it by ourselves. Then, they continued making something with origami such as heart, ice cream, fortune teller, and mouse. 


On Thursday, we went to the park with Shooting Star friends. We walked together holding their hand as my partner. We enjoyed playing together and collecting some autumn leaves and acorns.

木曜日には、Shooting Starクラスのみんなと公園に行きました。手をつないで、前と間が空いてしまった時や疲れてきた時など、優しくリードしてくれる姿がたくさん見られました。一緒に遊んだり、落ち葉やどんぐりを集めたりして楽しみました😊

Here are the links of the English songs we are currently singing in our class. Please enjoy listening to the songs with your children!


Spread a Little Sunshine- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0IvFmXwxec

Hokey Pokey- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzSJBowPECY

Mickey Mouse March- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgKEjPoKeM4

Pumpkin Man Dance and freeze- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrtNt-Aexp4

Goodbye Song- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP9AujV8N1A

Have a wonderful weekend!


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