
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Meadow:The circle of life (October 16th~20th)

Welcome to Meadow’s third blog of the month.
This week we were blessed with really lovely weather so we maximized on this and played hard outdoors!



Round/Circle teddy bear craft

A circle is one of the most basic shapes we encounter in our daily lives. It is simple yet it is loaded with diverse meaning. The sun is a circle, the moon is round, so is the cycle of life.This week we chose the circle as our focus for afternoon circle time. We made a cute teddy bear using different sized circles. The students had to insert the teddy’s arms , legs and eyes after watching a demonstration from the teacher. Some of the positions where these body parts ended up were very interesting! Everyone had fun and the teddy bears turned out real cute!


Halloween party dance practise

For the October 27th Halloween party we are going to dance to the “Pumpkin man dance and freeze” song. We have been practising the dance for the past few weeks now. The little ones look really adorable when they dance together during lesson time. Fingers crossed they won’t be too shy on the big day!We hope they will dance the same way they do in class. Your hearts will definitely melt.

10月27日のハロウィーン・パーティーでは、”Pumpkin man dance and freeze “の歌に合わせてダンスを踊る予定です。ここ数週間、ダンスの練習をしてきました。レッスンの時間に一緒に踊っているMeadowさんたちは本当に可愛らしいです♡本番で恥ずかしがらないことを祈っています!クラスで踊っているのと同じように踊ってくれることを願っています。Meadowさんたちのあまりの可愛さにとろけてしまうこと間違いなしです!(笑)

Below is a link of the video. Please dance together with your liitle ones whenever you can find the time.


Dragonflies at the park

As usual we soaked in some sun and fresh air on Thursday. There is something about the autumn sun that makes everything look so bright and makes everything feel cheerful! Meadow friends spotted insects this week at the park and some even tried to catch them.


Main songs for lesson topic

We started learning about numbers at the beginning of this month .During this week’s phonics lesson the teacher taught us easy words that begin with the letter “j.” These are jug, jam,jet, jeans and juice.

今月の初めから数字の勉強を始めました。今週のフォニックスのレッスンでは、Ms.Amandaが “j “で始まる簡単な単語を教えてくれました。jug(水差し)、jam(ジャム)、jet(ジェット)、jeans(ジーンズ)、juice(ジュース)。Ms.Amandaの発音をよく聞いてカードを探し当てることができました!

There are only 6 days until Halloween party.Please take good care of yourselves so that we can all attend and have fun in our best physical states.

Have a fun and restful weekend!


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