
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Use it again! MW 1/19-25

Hello everyone!


Upon looking at the recyclable materials and garbage disposal guide we have in our class, we finally completed naming all the recycling symbols on our Discovery Area. They found the recycle, carton, steel and aluminum marks. Everytime, they have trash to throw away, they check it first to see if it has a mark to decide which bin it goes to. “Oh, I found a plastic mark! This is plastic. It goes to the yellow box.” They also showed us what to do with the milk carton and cardboard boxes before throwing them. “I know how to do it. My momm does it at home.”


3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! In unit 4, Milky Way will discover what 3 R’s are and ways we can apply it in our daily life both at home and at school. Last Friday, we did 3 R’s sorting activity. Students were grouped into 3 representing each R and identified which materials can be reuse, recycle, and reduce the use of.


Then, this week we focused on “Reuse”. One by one, we checked the pictures they posted on the “Reuse” wall and thought if we can use it again and how we can reuse it. Students showed that they are thinkers, knowledgeable, and communicators by sharing their ideas on how we can reuse the materials. They have many ideas on how to make crafts and how we can use some materials to water plants and to make them plant pots . They were also amazed to see other ways to reuse materials when the teacher showed some pictures. “Wow, we can make a big boat/house using plastic bottles? I want to make it!”


The Setsubun event is coming soon and our class made a craft related to it by reusing the available materials we collected such as milk cartons, tissue box, toilet paper roll, plastic bottle caps, etc. They used their imagination and creativity to make their own versions  of demon faces.


Earthworms! Who would have thought that earthworms are amazing? Milky Way read a book about earthworms and when they saw the pictures they wanted to throw up because they thought it’s disgusting. It’s yucky! But after reading the book, they were so amazed that there are blue earthworms, there are very big and long earthworms. “I want to see a blue earthworm!” Someone asked, “What do earthworms eat?”. Let’s find out!


Some of the boys always mentioned the Minecraft game until they made up their own game called “Minecraft Tag”. They knew the characters in the game and mentioned that they play it at home but not all the time and they have a schedule when they can play it which is a good discipline for them. They also enjoy the minecraft dance and freeze exercise during our morning circle time.


That’s all for this week! Thank you for reading our blog and have a wonderful weekend!


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