
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Milky Way 05 July 2018

探求のユニット:Where We Are in Place And Time(私たちのいる場所と時間)
セントラルアイディア:The culture of a country changes over time. (国の文化は時間をかけて変わっていく)
今週のMilky Wayは、過去と今にフォーカスして探求してきました。生まれた時から今まで、そしてこれからの未来を想像しながら、Milky Wayの子ども達はクラス全員でタイムラインを作ってみました。
Rainbowの時は、トイレトレーニングしたね、Shooting Star/Savannaの時は字をたくさん書くようになったね、などといろいろと思い出しながら過去を振り返ってみました。
日本の学校では7:30のことをseven thirtyという風に学ぶのが一般的ですが、Milky Wayでは”half past 7″という言い方を学び始めました。half past(30分)、quarter past(・・・時15分)、quarter till(・・・時45分)にもだんだんと慣れてきた子ども達です。
Milky Wayの子ども達も願い事を星カードに書いて飾りました☆ 
Milky Way class has been continuing inquiries in their transdisciplinary theme where we are in place & time, with the central idea being that the culture of a country changes over time. The first week’s line of inquiry was: a country is made of land & people. Since this, the class has investigated that culture is important for making a country and have started looking into the idea that culture is formed by history.
The students have questioned and researched various aspects of history, present and future. Most notably history and specifically, their own histories using timelines. They have further explored the history of the formation of the earth by gravitation and continental drift as well as the theory of origin of the species by a simplified version of the evolution of fauna to humans.
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Milky Way are currently in the process of composing the various stages and changes within their own lives that they have hitherto undergone from birth to present. The class is tabulating these observations on posters which will be subsequently displayed.
In English, the class has been expanding their vocabulary by regularly writing new entries in their day pads and have been working on word recognition progressing with sight words and adding quite extensively to their list of theme-related words covering all subjects. Recently, most students have been, in their every free moment, thoroughly enjoying word-searches on eclectic topics – both theme related as well as student-chosen random topics.
In mathematics the class has been counting from zero in fives and tens, reciting and learning to understand the 1, 5 and 10 tables as well as having been introduced to clocks and time. Most students can now tell all times past the hour including half, a quarter and the hour itself. They have this week been introduced to reading analogue clocks (…to the hour – a more abstract concept which many students are beginning to grasp but which we will certainly continue). This has intertwined with their ability to count in 5s and the 5 table. They will likewise continue in this vein.
Today, Milky Way students scribed their hopes on cards which have been posted on bamboo cuttings in anticipation of tanabata.
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