
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Meadow: Finally, it came! Our birthday party!! (Feb 26th~March 1st)

Hi everyone! Welcome to Meadow’s final blog of February. Our week fun-filled and easy going. It was our last week to learn about FAMILY. The highlight of our week was the February birthday party.


Birthday party

There are three Meadow friends who were born in February. M,R and E. They will be advancing to an older class this April. We hope they will enjoy the new experiences in store for them .We pray that they will behave like big sisters and big brothers and show compassion to the new nursery students who will be joining the school soon.


Hina doll craft

We made our own hina dolls on Tuesday!


Phonics and the letter U+number recognition+Tracing

This week the words that begin with U that we learnt are, “under, umbrella, upstairs and underwear .”Four Meadow friends will be advancing to Aurora in April so in preparation for this, we recently started practising how to trace and draw lines during morning lesson time. We also did lots of number recognition activities!

今週学んだUで始まる単語は、”under, umbrella, upstairs and underwear “4月に4人のMeadowのお友達がAuroraに進級するので、その準備として、朝のレッスンの時間に線をなぞって描く練習を始めました。また、数を認識する活動もたくさん行いました!

Story time and family introductions

Our main story book this week was “Me Myself” written by Mikiko Nakamoto and Hideko Kakegawa. It’s about a girl names Trissa who introduces her family members to everyone. She then goes on to narrate how she behaves in certain situations. After listening to this story, one Meadow friend had the chance of introducing his family to the class.

私たちのメインのストーリーブックは、中本美紀子と掛川秀子作の『Me Myself』でした。トリッサという名前の女の子が、自分の家族を他の人に紹介し、特定の状況で彼女がどのように行動するかを語る物語です。水曜日の午後のレッスンで話を聞いたあと、自分の家族をみんなに紹介するアクティビティを行ないました。


We did some pretty advanced gym stances on Wednesday!


Park and outside play

We went to the park on foot on Thursday.On Monday,Tuesday and Friday we enjoyed playing in the shoolyard.



Dancing and singing makes us so happy!


The weather has been a bit weird lately. Just a few days ago it felt like spring was around the corner but now it seems like we have been dragged back to winter! Please take care of yourselves and your loved ones.
Until next week, it’s goodbye from us.


Below are the links to the songs we sang and danced to this week.


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