
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Our duties as Aurora students(April 22nd-26th)

Hello everyone!
Welcome to Aurora’s third blog of the month. The highlight of this week was the swimming lesson at Central fitness center. That makes it our second lesson since Unit 1 started. The students have already warmed up to the coaches and it’s safe to say that Tuesday’s swimming lesson is their favorite activity so far!


Our responsibilities as Aurora students

April 22nd marked the beginning of our second Line of inquiry(LOI2). We dove head first into the topic. The main question to be answered here is ,”what am I expected to do as an Aurora student?” The list is quite lengthy but the few things we are going to focus on are: a)putting one’s belongings in the correct baskets in the morning b) eating lunch without help from the teacher c) putting away used stuff into one’s backpack properly d) taking off one’s clothes and putting on PJs. Most of these things take time to master so we will be working on them throughout the year.

4月22日、2つ目の探究の学び(LOI2)が始まりました。ここでのテーマは、「オーロラクラスでの、自分のやるべきこと」です。a)朝、自分の持ち物を正しいカゴに入れる b)先生の助けを借りずにランチを食べる c)使ったものをきちんとリュックにしまう d)服を脱いでパジャマを着る。これらのことをマスターするには時間がかかるので、年間を通して取り組んでいきます。

Unpacking our backpacks in the morning

The teacher demonstrated how to properly unpack one’s belongings and then everyone got a chance to imitate the demonstration in front of the class.

Ms.Amandaのデモンストレーションのあと、全員がみんなの前で朝”Good morning、everyone!”と言ってお部屋に入るところから始まり、カバンから荷物を取り出し、決まった場所へしまうことをやってみました。

Packing up our belongings at the end of the day

The teacher asked someone to show the whole class what they thought the correct way of packing up one’s backpack at the end of the day was. Everyone looked at the demonstration carefully and then did the same thing all at once.


Birthday party

On Monday morning we enjoyed singing happy birthday to our school mates born in April. Aurora has one girl who was born in April. Happy birthday A! May 2024 be filled with nothing but the best for you.


Gym and being active outdoors

Ms.Airi taught us quite a few cool moves this week. We really enjoy moving our bodies during gym class, at the park and during outside play!

あいり先生は今週、私たちにたくさんのかっこいい動きを教えてくれました。カエルになり切り高くジャンプすることを楽しんでいました。 ジムクラスでも、公園でも、外遊びでも、体を動かすことをとても楽しんでいます!

School tour poster

As part of our first line of inquiry, we did a school tour last week. On Tuesday afternoon, we made a poster about this school tour. We were impressed by a few students who displayed the THINKER learner profile. Excellent work Aurora!


Koinobori/carp streamer craft

Children’s day is on the 5th of May. It’s important to respect children’s personalities and to celebrate their happiness. The koi fish symbolizes love and friendship. We hope our students can experience lots of love as they grow up and enjoy fruiful friendships! As part of celebrating the essence of May 5th, we did a koinobori craft on Thursday morning.



We always enjoy music class on Fridays!


Golden week is around the corner and our week is going to be only 3 days long. We plan on doing the most we can with the little time available.

Enjoy your weekend!



Below are the links to the songs we sang and danced to.

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Our duties as Aurora students(April 22nd-26th)