
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Our role-Shooting Star-April 15th-19th

Hello everyone,

Welcome to our third blog for the month of April.

As scheduled, the whole Minami-Matsumoto campus parent-teacher conference has began. Thank you dear parents for coming and sharing how your children spend time with you at home. It was lovely seeing you and hearing the unique stories of your children through an open discussion. Through this, we can figure out how to make it better for our young learners to grow up in a more nurturing environment.

This week Shooting Star class was quite busy as we embarked to our engaging activities. For UOI, we continued our learner profile sorting game activity. We almost covered all of the learner profile. The best thing about this activity is for us to have a clear understanding of the learner profile and once students got spotted in action they are being acknowledged and praised for their behavior. In that way, they understand more the meaning of it.



さて、今週のShooting Starクラスは、魅力的なアクティビティが目白押しでした。まず、UOIでは、引き続きIBラーナープロファイルのアクティビティーを続けました。今週はThinkerとPrinciple、CaringとInquireに注目しました。このアクティビティーを通して、みんな一生懸命ラーナープロファイルについて考えていて、実際の生活に落とし込むことが出来てきています✨

We got under way with our workstation. Having a checklist card, we go around the station such as; writing, phonics, UOI, numbers, etc and with the teachers’ instructions, students begin to work with concentration. This activity helps students to develop independence and encourages children to work in an ordered manner. Shooting Star class enjoys the workstation time. Shooting Star is getting better when it comes to doing our role from unpacking our back pack, to workstation, and other routine in the class.

また、ワークステーションを始めました。子ども達ひとり一人がチェックリストカードを持ち、ライティング、フォニックス、UOI、数などのステーションを回り、先生のサポートのもと、楽しみながらアクティビティーに取り組みます。自分だけのカードを持ち、アクティビティーをやり遂げると “I did it!”ととっても満足げな顔をみんな見せています。最初は分からなかったり、難しくても、毎日少しずつ取り組むことによって理解が深まってきます。

For Phonics lesson, we carried out a ball game activity by listening to what lowercase letter from a-i the teacher said and after listening, students put the ball in the correct basket. To make it fun, the teacher wrote the uppercase and lowercase letters on the white board for children to look at by themselves.

フォニックスレッスンでは、先週に引き続きアルファベットの音の復習をしました。先生が言ったアルファベットの箱を探して、ボールを入れます。でも今回は、大文字ではなく、アルファベットの小文字を読むことにも挑戦。大文字と小文字がセットになって書かれたものを見ながら、I found “a”!などと見つけてはとっても嬉しそうにしていました😊

We had fire drill this week. Our young learners were so knowledgeable enough by performing what they have to do as soon as they heard the fire alarm. Yahoo! Shooting class covered their mouth and nose ang lined up right away getting ready to evacuate safely. We talked about the rules for evacuating safe-OHASHIMOTE.


Playing in the school yard and going to the park was also an integral part of our engaging activities this week. We had so much fun, fun, fun! Not to mention, we walked to Nambu park for the first time and it was a successful hike for everyone.


Have a great weekend everyone.

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Our role-Shooting Star-April 15th-19th