
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


We promise to be caring! MW 4/30-5/10

Hello, Milky Way families! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! The Milky Way students were so happy to be back to school after the Golden Week with their beautiful experience and stories. With that, we asked them to draw what they did during the holiday. “I went to Okinawa and we swam a lot! I went to the park! I went fishing with my family! I went camping with my friend and we ate barbecue! I played with the sister of my brother’s friend.”

ミルキーウェイファミリーの皆さん、こんにちは!皆さん素敵な休暇を過ごされたことと思います😊ゴールデンウィークの後、ミルキーさん達は素敵な体験や お話を聞かせてくれて、とっても嬉しそうでした!そこで、みんなでゴールデンウィーク中の思い出を絵に描きました。沖縄に行ってたくさん泳いだよ!公園で遊んだよ!家族で釣りに行ったよ!友達とキャンプに行ってバーベキューをした!お兄ちゃんの友達の妹と遊んだんだ!などなど、、みんなでお話しししながら描いていましたよ♪

In UOI, we read a story called “Rainbow Fish” and most of them could still remember the story when I read it to them when they were Aurora. “I know the story! First Rainbow Fish was not caring because he didn’t share the shiny scale, but at the end he became caring by sharing his shiny scales to the fish.” Wow! What a good memory! In this story, they were reminded to be caring to their friends by sharing things, playing together, and saying good words to their friends. We read more books about being caring such as Ugly Duckling, How Dinosaurs Learn to Be Kind, Jeff, the Kind Jeep, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

UOIでは “Rainbow Fish “という物語を読みました。みんながオーロラさんの時にMs.Fronieがこの本を読んだのをほとんどの子が覚えていて、”知ってる!”と言ってくれました。「最初、レインボーフィッシュはピカピカのうろこを分けてくれなかったから思いやりがなかったんだけど、最後にはピカピカのうろこを他の魚たちに分けてあげることで、思いやりある魚になったんだ!」とてもしっかり覚えていてくれました!このお話の中で、子どもたちは、物を分け合ったり、一緒に遊んだり、友だちに優しい言葉をかけたりすることで、友だちを思いやることを思い出しました。この他にも、『みにくいアヒルの子』『恐竜はどうやってやさしくなるかを学ぶのか』『やさしいジープ』『ジェフ』『白雪姫と七人のこびと』、そして日本語クラスでも『思いやりの絵本』などを読んで、思いやりについてもう一度みんなで考える機会をとっています。

What is a caring friend and not a caring friend for you? They started to think about their friends and shared their ideas. After that, we did a sorting activity by identifying which picture shows a caring friend and not a caring friend. We found out that their answers to the question matched the pictures we used in the sorting activity which also show that they already have knowledge about what is caring and not caring. They promised to try to be caring to their friends from now on and make good choices to make their friends happy.


Milky Way class also learned how to keep their lockers organized/tidy. We posted a picture of their basket and locker with their stuff organized in it to remind them how their lockers should look and for them to get used to doing it. We feel good when our lockers are organized and we can find the things we need easily. We did a sequencing activity to show how they should get ready and eat lunch/snack smoothly. We used their photos showing what they have to do and arranged them in order. After this activity, students showed improvement in doing their job and the photos helped them a lot to do what they are supposed to do without playing around or chatting with their friends. We think of the good choices as we do our job.


This week, we read the RAZ book entitled “Big” which got the students’ interest and used their imagination. When the teacher said, “Close your eyes and think of the biggest thing you have ever seen in real life, in a book, or in a movie.”, they started to think about it and got excited to share their ideas. We also looked around the classroom and found the big things we have in the classroom and compared which are bigger and the biggest.

今週は、RAZの “Big “という本を読み、子ども達は興味を持って想像力を働かせました。Ms.Fronieが「目を閉じて、今まで現実や本や映画で見た中で一番大きなものを思い浮かべてごらん」と言うと、子ども達はすぐに考え始め、自分達のアイディアを発表して盛り上がりました。また、周りを見回して、クラスにある大きなものを見つけ、どっちが大きいか、どれが一番大きいかなどを比べてみました。

In writing, the teacher asked them to look for magic e words in the book. The clue is the word should end with the letter e, but you have to be careful because not all the words end with “e” is a magic e word. “Is this a magic e word? Oh, I found a magic e word! Now I have two magic e words!” They have to write the magic e words they found in their notebook remembering how to write the tall, fall, and small letters.

ライティングでは、自分達が選んだ本の中からMagic eワードを探すアクティビティをしました。ヒントは「e」で終わる単語ですが、「e」で終わる単語がすべてMagic eワードとは限らないので気をつけなければいけません。「これはMagic eワード?」「あ!Magic eワードあった!」「ここに2つある!」 そして見つけたMagic eワードを、tall(背の高い)、fall(下がった)、small(背の低い)文字の書き方を思い出しながらノートに書きました。

The class had fun painting outside, playing in the schoolyard, and playing at the park. This Sunday will be Mother’s Day and Milky Way students are very excited to give their presents to their moms. We hope you like it and Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!


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