
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


You inspire us to be better (May 27th~30th)

Family is the compass that guides us. They are our inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter.”-Brad Henry.
Monday’s open day confirmed this for me. The way Aurora sang their hearts out during morning circle time couldn’t have been possible without the inspiration they received from their parents’ presence.
Many thanks for attending Open Day!

“家族は私たちを導く羅針盤。高みを目指すための原動力であり、時折くじけそうになったときの心の支えでもある”ーBrad Henry.

Fresh air

We walked to the park after our open day session ended. It was extremely windy and we all had a good laugh when our hats were blown off by the wind! Some of us were a bit sad to separate with our parents so the many belly laughs lightened us up.


On Thursday we went to North Shonai park by bus. The weather is still fluctuating between hot and warm so the students have been very lucky with discovering insects. They saw lots of ladybugs, butterflies and ants!


LOI2: Washing hands

What is the proper way to wash hands? Or better yet, what do you think is the proper way to wash hands? This is a subjective question and its answer varies from individual to individual. I asked this question to 5 students and got 4 different answers! Although opinions and beliefs differ from person to person, there is a commonly accepted standard. During our UOI lesson on Tuesday, we learnt the correct order of washing hands. Everyone will practice this throughout the whole year until they become pros.

The following day, during afternoon lesson we attempted a “matching the pictures with the correct sequence” worksheet activity and a lot of students showed off their thinking skills. Great job Aurora! You are THINKERS.




There’s just something about running that makes Aurora burst into uncontrollable laughter.Everyone ran their hearts out this week!


Vegetable watering roster

We made a roster where students are divided into five groups of 4 members. Every morning each group goes to water the vegetables they planted. We take care of things around us which means we are CARING.



Friday was day 1 of the 2 day teachers’ IB workshop so there was no music lesson.

Our next swimming lesson is on June 4th at Central Fitness Center. Please don’t forget to prepare swim suits for your little ones.

Have a wonderful weekend!




TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / You inspire us to be better (May 27th~30th)