
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Sea Animal Adventure- Meadow( July 22-26)

Hello everyone,

Here’s another fun week here in Meadow. We enjoyed our inquiry about sea animals. We had a fun adventure underwater watching the video about “Rainbow fish”. Before watching the video, we asked the students what they should do. They showed being principled by listening, not talking, and sitting nicely. They were able to name the sea animals they saw in the video.

メドウでは引き続き、海の生き物についての探究を楽しんでいます。今週は「にじいろのさかな」のビデオを一緒に見ました。ビデオを見る前には、よく聞くこと、おしゃべりをしないこと、きちんと座ること、などのお約束を確認。キラキラ光るにじいろのさかなやその仲間たちに歓声をあげながら、Seahorse, Octopus, Starfishなど海の生き物たちの名前も、先生と一緒に言うことができました!

After watching, we made our own Rainbow fish. We showed the picture of the Rainbow fish and the students named the different colors it has. We cut the origami paper and the students pick the colors they like. They boosted their grasping ability to pick and stick them on the paper plate.


We did the sea animal body matching to build recognition and visual memory. We stuck the half-body on the wall, and the students looked for the half and matched them. They boost their confidence as well as concentration skills. Well done Meadow!


Roll the dice

We did the flood evacuation drill in each class. To get an idea about floods, we watched a short video. The students reacted to what they saw and said “It’s scary!”. We then explained that they have to stay with their teachers follow the instructions and wait until their parents come to school and pick them up.


After the rain, we refreshed and played in the yard. The students had a blast playing with their friends and exploring around.


Indoor play

Thank you for this week. The temperature increases in the daytime. Always keep hydrated and stay safe. We are excited to have you on next week’s School Open Day. Have a fantastic weekend.


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / Sea Animal Adventure- Meadow( July 22-26)