
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Meadow Sept 3-7

Meadow will like to extend our warmest hugs to our new student and family. Welcome to ISN! 

We had a few sunny days so we ventured outdoors. We took a walk to the small park. The children walked beautifully with the colourful Walking Rope. We had great fun on the slide and big swing. Some children picked flowers and rested on the bench enjoying the weather. 
Even in our own school yard we made discoveries. We spotted a praying mantis right at our school’s door step. We held out our arms like a mantis. We even dug out an earthworm! We examined the sweet potato patch too and chilled out on the deck. 😊✌🏻
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In the classrooms, more learning took place. For Music Class, the children sang some popular songs – “Wheels on the Bus”, where Mummy and Daddy went ssshhh, and monkeys bumped their heads in “Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the bed”.
クラス内ではもっとたくさんの事を学びました。音楽クラスでは、”Wheels on the Bus”を歌い、みんなの好きなフレーズ Mummy and Daddy went ssshhh, で楽しみました。また、”Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the bed”のお歌も歌い、monkeys bumped their headsが子供たちのお気に入りです。
This month of September we begin the topic on “Food – fruits”. The class was introduced the short vowel sound /a/ as in Apple 🍎. We examined an apple both inside and out – we sliced it and diced it and popped it into our mouths. The children went hmmmmm sweet! 👍🏻
今月9月のテーマは食べ物、特に果物に変わりました。クラスで母音のAを学び、Apple 🍎の発音を練習しました。リンゴをクラスで皮をむき、スライスしてみんなで分けて食べました!!お口に入れると甘くておいしいリンゴに思わず皆hmmmmm!!sweet! 👍🏻
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The class was introduced some fruits like orange, watermelon, apple, banana and strawberry. We also explored the letter sound /b/ Boy, Banana 🍌 . We learned short sentences too like “I am _____ (name). I am a boy/ girl.”
クラスでは オレンジ(orange) スイカ(watermelon) リンゴ(apple) バナナ(banana)  イチゴ(strawberry)などの果物を学んでいます。またフォニックスではB(Boy, Banana 🍌)を学びました。また短いセンテンスの言い方も “I am _____ (名前). I am a boy/ girl.”を使い練習しています。
Parents, please continue to practise these short sentences at home. Have a fabulous weekend!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / Meadow Sept 3-7