
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora September 10 – 14

We had such a fun week! This week the students have been practicing so much for the Sports Festival and I am so proud of them!
Monday we did our writing for the week and had our music class. The students practiced rhythm more. They did a fun jumping activity with hula hoops. They had to jump on beat to the music in and out of the hoops.
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Tuesday we finished our craft. The masks look really good! After finishing the craft the students tried on their costumes and practiced the dance. They look so cute! For the afternoon routine we continued learning about garbage separation.
火曜日はスポーツフェスティバルで使用するマスク作りを先週に続いて行いました。みんなの作ったマスクはとっても素敵に仕上がりました!その後、本番で使用する衣装と、作ったマスクを着用し、ダンスの練習をしました。衣装を着けてのダンスはとっても可愛らしく本番が楽しみになりました。Afternoon Circle Timeでは、ゴミの仕分けについてレッスンをしました。
Wednesday we had our gym class. Since it was the last gym day before the Sports Festival, we decided to practice the dance and the race. After the gym class we had story time and a lesson about garbage separation. They understand the concept in action, but now we’re working on being able to explain it in English. For example, instead of holding up a PET Bottle and them pointing to the box it goes in, I’m having them tell me which box.
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Thursday was our first day back walking to the park. The days are getting cooler and we had been eager to get outside more an play. The students had so much fun playing at the park and it was nice to be back. We also had our last lesson about garbage separation before we start the summarative assessments next week. For the afternoon routine we practiced our dance for the Sports Festival one last time.
木曜日は久しぶりに歩いて公園に行きました。外はだいぶ涼しくなり、公園に行く日が待ち遠しくて仕方なかったオーロラさん達。久しぶりの公園遊びはとっても楽しい活動になりました。また、久しぶりのウォーキングでしたが、列になって歩くのがとても上手に出来て、成長を感じる日になりました。来週からは総括的評価(簡単なテストのようなもの)が始まります。この日は、評価の前の「ゴミの分別」に関する最後のレッスンを行いました。Afternoon Circle timeでは、スポーツフェスティバル前の最後のダンス練習をしました。
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今月の生活目標は、「自分の洋服をきれいにたたんでPJバックにいれよう」です。上手なたたみ方をMs. Shizukaが説明し、着替えの際は毎日取り組んでいます。木曜日は全員が上手にたたむことが出来て、ポイントのスターをもらいました。お家でも是非やってみて下さい。
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Today was the big day. The 5th annual Sports Festival! We all had so much fun and I hope you all did too. The dance was so good and all the students ran so well for the race. The opening ceremony for the day was fun too. All the students did such a great job and we are so proud of them. Thank you all for coming and all the support you gave to your children.
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Hope everyone has a nice long 3 day weekend!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora September 10 – 14