
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rainbow April 8-12

Welcome to ISN and to our Rainbow class!!!
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This week, we had a welcome ceremony for all the new students. We welcomed them with full of joy and excitement as our youngsters sang “Hello to all the Children of the World” for them.
We are very grateful and overwhelmed to see your precious smiles everyone!
今週は、入園式がありました。去年度からISNのナーサリークラスにいた小さなお友達は、”Hello to all the Children of the World” のお歌を入園式で歌い、新しいお友達を歓迎しました。一人一人の大切なお子様の素敵な笑顔をこれから見れることはとてもうれしく、一緒に過ごせることに感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。
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Aside from that, we did a dance exercise and look, everyone did a great job in identifying colors and numbers!
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They also enjoyed listening to the stories “Barney’s Rainbow”🌈 and “A Beautiful Butterfly”.🦋
クラスでは”Barney’s Rainbow”🌈 と “A Beautiful Butterfly”という2冊の本をメインに読みました。
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Lastly, we had our Music class this week! Look how our young ones showed some groove to tune of music.
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Have a great weekend everyone!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / Rainbow April 8-12