
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rainbow April 15-19

Hello Everyone,
In Rainbow, we understand that some young children are experiencing separation anxiety. For some, goodbyes are full of tears, screams, and outbursts. Young children form tight relationships with parents, so it’s natural that as they grow, they will be hesitant to let go of feelings of familiarity and security. Rainbow teachers are very keen to that dilemma, that’s why to help our precious ones overcome it, we create a play environment where our toddlers can relax, calm down, play, be happy, and be loved.
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In this week, we had a great time playing in the park and in the sandpit. It helped them cope up separation anxiety. When they play, they felt good and engaged.
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Spring is here, we made a butterfly for our craft. Our toddlers, enjoyed the sticky circle shape with their preferred color on the wings of a butterfly. They were very happy when they saw their adorable face on it. And before we made a butterfly, Ms. Hitoko, read a story of “A Very Hungry Caterpillar “ for us. It was wonderful! Everyone liked the story.
春は確かにここです。クラフトとして、Butterflyを制作しました。自分のお気に入りの色のシールを選び、Butterflyの羽に貼り、仕上げました。自分の顔写真を貼ると、皆とても喜び、笑顔になりました。A Very Hungry Caterpillarの本を読み、Butterfly について沢山お話をしました。
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We went to the gym for the first time. We were surprised when majority of them could put on and take off their shoes by themselves. Amazing indeed. We had fun doing the gym activities, especially playing with a ball. Our toddlers, got enthralled with the different ball colors  ⚽️. Each one, got one. We kicked, threw, and ran after it. It was full of fun and there was no room of separation anxiety at all.
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For our lessons, we have been learning about colors (red, yellow, pink, green, purple, orange, and blue). We sang, The Rainbow Song, and we read a story, The Freight Train and Color, and A Beautiful Butterfly 🦋. We made a matching up color activity which our dear little ones enjoyed doing. We have also been learning about numbers 1-7 with a Seven Steps Song. It’s good hearing how our toddlers are humming the song.
レッスンでは、色を中心に学びました。red, yellow, pink, green, purple, orange, and blueなどなど、沢山学びました。The Rainbow Songというお歌も色を学ぶ助けとなりました。色合わせのゲームをクラスでして、楽しみました。また数字の1から7までを学び、Seven Steps Songを楽しく歌いました。
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Our Music class was great, too. We had fun clapping and tried dancing and singing with new songs.
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More exciting fun learning activities are coming up next week. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
Matsumoto-city, English Nursery, Children, English conversation, 2 years old, 2 year old class, Nursery class, International School.

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / Rainbow April 15-19