
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Shooting Star June 3 – 7

This week was so much fun! We went to the gym, pool, and had our music lesson. We also had our regular lessons.
On Monday a group of students made a present for their dads! We looked for a smooth rock, washed it, then painted dad’s face on it!
園庭にあった大きめの石を探し、よく洗い、お父さんの顔を描きました☺ お父さんの髪や目の色などお顔をよく観察しました。少しデコボコした石に上手にお顔を描くことができました。
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For math we have been doing stations. Each station is a math concept that we have been learning like heavy and light, tall and short, etc. This gives us a chance to assess how they are doing and if they understand the concepts.
今週の算数はユニットで学んできた比較Comparisonの復習をしました。ステーションワークを取り入れて、長い短い・重い軽いなど”This caterpillar is longer.” “The left cup has more.” と文章を口にしながらそれぞれの活動に熱中していました。
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Our UOI lessons have been so fun this week. We had some guest speakers come into our class to talk about families from their country. We had Ms. Serena come in from the 3 year old and 4 year old class one day to talk about Singapore and Ms. Marlyn from the 2 year old and 3 year old class to talk about the Philippines. We also had a parent come in and talk about the country she’s from.
Auroraからシンガポール出身のMs. Serena、Rainbowからフィリピン出身のMs. Marlyn、そして韓国出身の保護者の方にも!日本とは違うこと同じこと、また自分の家族とは違うこと同じことに気付きながら楽しくお話を聞けました。
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Friday was our class bus trip! We had such a wonderful time exploring and making a wood chip pendent. The nature place we went to was in Shiojiri so it was a nice drive. It rained but we still had a wonderful time. Thankfully they had place for us to go to stay out of the rain.
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We hope everyone has a great weekend!
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TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Shooting Star June 3 – 7