
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rainbow June 3-7

Welcome to Rainbow!
In this month, we have been learning new songs like, “Hello Song”. In this song, we have  learned the phrase, How are you?, I’m good, I’m great, I’m wonderful, I’m tired, I’m hungry, and I’m not so good. And also Goodbye Song, where we have  learned the names of animals like, alligator and butterfly. We loved singing these songs together. We keep  singing also our all time favorite weather song. It’s fun looking  outside and check the weather everyday. Beginning this week, everyone could finally say, I’m here during the morning routine.
今月は新しくHello Songを歌い始めています。この歌の中で、How are you?, I’m good, I’m great, I’m wonderful, I’m tired, I’m hungry, I’m not so goodの新しいフレーズを学ぶことが出来ます。同様に新しいバージョンのGoodbye Songの中ではalligator や butterflyといった動物の名前を学ぶことが出来ます。weather songも毎日の歌の一つです。みんな一緒に歌うことを楽しんでいます。ついに、レインボーの全員が朝の会でI’m hereが言えるようになりました。
For our new topic in June, we have been talking about the kinds of transportations like, car, airplane, helicopter, taxi, boat, etc. Our little ones picked up the kind of transportation they like best and they say the name of it in front of the class.
6月のトピックは乗り物です。car, airplane, helicopter, taxi, boatなど沢山の乗り物の名前を英語で学んでいます。クラスの前に立ち一番好きな乗り物のフラッシュカードを選び、名前を言うという活動もしました。
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Rainbow members had learned the skill of hanging up their towel by themselves. Everyone finds their towel on the table and hang it up on their designated peg in the bathroom.
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We went to the gym and had our Gym class. We had lots of fun doing the exercises and playing the bee tag game, but the activity we loved the most was playing with a pink hoop.
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Father’s Day is fast approaching, we prepared  a present for them. It’s a lovely necktie made from our teeny-tiny footprint with two square shaped origami on it.
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Thank you dear parents for coming to the School Open Day. It was great seeing our little ones remained calm even though they noticed their parents standing by the hallway. Everyone showed great interest in participating in the color sorting game activity and the number recognition activity. Good job, Rainbow! We are so proud of you.
参観日に大勢の方にお越しいただき、誠に有難うございました。廊下にいるママに気がついても泣かずにいられたお友達も多く、感激しました。色分けゲームでは沢山のお友達が興味を示してくれました。Good job, Rainbow! We are so proud of you.
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Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Matsumoto-city, English Nursery, English Kindergarten, Children, English conversation, 2 years old, 2 year old class, 3 years old, 3 year old class, 4 years old, 4 year old class, Nursery, Nursery class, International School.

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / Rainbow June 3-7