
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora July 1-5

The highlight this week was the fantastic Gym Open Day! Thank you Mummies and Daddies for the wonderful show up. 😍 Aurora children did well with all the stretches and games, so were our Mummies and Daddies. Good job! 😊👍🏻 Here’s a recap…
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July is the start of our new Transdisciplinary Theme for our IB PYP – How We Organise Ourselves. The central idea running through our inquiries  is “We can clean up after ourselves”. Aurora was shown live Google map search of Japan, Matsumoto and ISN which appeared on google camera! The children were delighted to see our play castle. “This is the environment we live in – our school, classroom and home. We need to keep these places organised, clean and tidy.”
In the spirit of bringing authentic learning to the children… we had to “dirty” the classroom! Haha 😂 “What a mess! What’s this? Oh no Ms Serena!” were the responses from the children. We discussed that it is bad to learn and play in a dirty environment. Germs thrive and make us sick.  “Germs are not for Sharing” was one of the books we read this week. Fully convinced of the need for a clean classroom, Aurora tidied up really quickly!
7月は新しいIBのユニット<私たちは自分たちをどう組織しているか>が始まる月です。セントラルアイディアはWe clean up after ourselves(私たちは自分たちで片付けが出来る)です。オーロラの子供達とグーグルマップで日本、松本そしてISNのキャンパスを見て、園前のプレイキャッスルを見つけて大喜びでした。
『ここは私たちの住む環境 ー 学校・クラスルーム・家です。私たちはこの大切な場所を整理して綺麗に保たなければいけません。』
子供達にこのことをまず理解してもらうために…教室を汚しました!「うわ!ごちゃごちゃ!なんで教室が汚いの?オーノー!Ms Serena!」と子供達も手を頭に乗せたりショックで口を手で抑えたり、びっくりしていました。そしてこんな汚れた状況で学んだり、遊んたりするのはよくない事だとみんなで話し合いました。
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“Rectangles have 2 long sides and 2 short sides” and we learned that triangles have 3 sides. What better way to reinforce these than through games – matching shapes. The class enjoyed the game. We learn also to be resilient because you win some you lose some. A few children were upset when they could not find the same match. Each time at the end of the game, we shake hands and say “Good game”.
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For Music class, the Music Teacher has upped the ante – we use 2 rhythm sticks now and in 4 beats. Coloured cards were introduced. 音楽のクラスでは2つのスティックを使い、4拍子のリズムを始めました。
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We hope for good weather tomorrow for our  first summer ISN pool in the schoolyard. We did have our park play! Till next Monday, have a great weekend.
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TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora July 1-5