
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Shooting Star July 15 – 19

Hello everyone! We had a short week but we have been busy with lots of fun activities. Monday was a holiday so we had no school, but we still were able to do a lot of things.
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Tuesday we started a new line of inquiry about buildings where you can buy and sell products. A lot of what we talked about you can find at Aeon mall, so we spent quite a bit of time talking about that. Thursday and Friday the student were able to do some fun role playing activities where they were store clerks and customers.
火曜日からは”Buildings for selling and buying”というテーマで、super market, department store, shopping mall, pharmacyなどの建物について考えました。木曜日と金曜日は、Shooting Star Mallを開き、グループごとにバッグや鉛筆、レゴや絵本などを売るお店屋さんごっこをしました。
“Welcome to the book shop!” “How much is this?” “It’s 100 yen.” “Here you are.” “Thank you.”というフレーズを言いながらとても楽しく活動できました。
Wednesday we had our gym class where we practiced for the Sports Festival. Shooting Star runs a full lap around the cones where as last year they only ran half a lap. They’ve been doing a great job! Afterwards the students used the parachute and practiced for their performance. We also practiced for the performance during the week at school.
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Our craft this week was exciting! The children used water and flowers to make colored water. We’re calling it the Shooting Star Juice Shop. The students are learning about water and how it changes under different conditions. It has been interesting to see what happens and how the students reacted.
夏はプールで水遊び!というイメージがありますが、水の性質について『IB+算数+クラフト+理科』を取り入れた探求をしていこうと思っています。まず初めに、Shooting Star Juice Shopの店員さんになり透明な水をお花で色付けました!
計量カップにそれぞれ100mlまで水を入れ、それぞれが選んだお花の入っている袋に100mlの水を注ぎます、そしてしっかりとお花をつぶして色を出していきます。”This is blueberry juice!” “I made orange juice!”などと言って、いろいろなフルーツや野菜のジュースが出来上がりました。薄い色から濃い色になる変化を楽しみ、お花によって違う色が出る様子を楽しみました。
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Thank you and we hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Shooting Star July 15 – 19