
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


SS Aug 12

Shooting Star have been their summer. It has been hot! We have stayed cool by swimming! It has been fun to splash in the pool and practice our swimming skills. We laid out on our towels to dry off a bit and enjoyed the not too hot sunshine.
On Wednesday we enjoyed a special dessert with our lunch. We had orange jelly. It was a nice treat and we enjoyed slurping the cool jelly down our throats on a hot day!
We have been practicing our Math Facts well! We like using counters to help us! We are counting up to 4 + 19. We will change to using number lines only when we get to +5 since that will be too many counters to use for each student.
I’ve also added some miscellaneous photos of Shooting Star around the classroom. Please enjoy and have a wonderful and safe holiday.
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