
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora August 19-23

“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” This statement is so true for Aurora this month as we hoard our rubbish for our 3Rs UOI – Reduce, reuse, recycle. Always thinking before we throw something away… can this be turned into a plant pot? Can we reuse the plastic bag? Can we  use the PET bottle again? Can we recycle it?
「捨てる神あれば、拾う神あり」という言葉は、3R(Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)の為にごみを溜めていたオーロラクラスにはピッタリの言葉です。ごみを捨てる前に常に, 鉢植えに使えるかな?このプラスチック袋やペットボトルを再利用出来るかな?リサイクル出来るかな?と考えるようになりました。
This week, the class was introduced terms used for different materials – paper, plastic, metal, fabric.
[envira-gallery id=”51306″]
We then turned all these trash into treasures! Rockets, table, boats, robots – you name it, we have it. Each student thought and planned about the materials to be used and how to assemble them. Glue or tape? Does glue hold plastic well together?  The students asked, “What is this? Is this plastic?” We had a great time of inquiry and hands-on exploration. The students hone their research skills in asking questions, planning, and finding answers. These classroom learning aptly lends itself to building our IB learner profile. Our focus for this theme:
Attributes of IB Learner Profile: Knowledgeable: I know about many things and I remember what I’ve learnt
Inquirer: I am curious and enjoy learning. I try to find out new things.
[envira-gallery id=”51329″]
The above masterpieces are still work in progress. We intend to paint and display them along the hallway. We have such creative minds and hands in Aurora! 😍👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 The class has been moving and grooving to this recycling song from Sesame Street “Use it again”. Enjoy the video. Till next Monday, have a wonderful weekend.
写真の傑作たちはまだ制作途中です。更にペイントして廊下に展示しようと考えています。オーロラの子供達はとてもクリエイティブ!暮らしではセサミストリートのUse it Againという曲がとても人気です。是非ご家庭でも一緒に歌って見てください。それでは良い週末を!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora August 19-23