
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Milky Way August 26th – 30th

Hello everyone!
It was an interesting and fun-filled week for the Milky Way class as we started our learning activities for the second line of inquiry in UOI. The students are now learning the concepts of systems and rules, and for our first activity, we did a challenge called “Follow the Instruction.” This challenge required the students to listen attentively and follow precisely the instructions given, to create a mystery artwork similar to the one that the teacher made before the start of the activity. All in all, the students did fantastic output in this challenge, and they all received a special badge for a job well done.
今週もとても楽しい週になりました。今週からLines of Inquiryの2つ目を学び始め、「システムとルール」の概念について探求し始めました。クラスアクティビティーでは、与えられた指示をしっかり理解して順序良く物を完成させられるかのチャレンジゲームをしました。みんな驚くほど正確に理解でき、すばらしい結果となりました。最後にはすてきなバッジももらえました!
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For our next activity, we read a story about a little boy who likes breaking the rules, and so the Milky Way class imagined a world without rules. They tried to express their ideas through our “No Rules Activity.” They were asked to illustrate “A World Without Rules” using any materials available in the classroom, but the challenge is that there are no rules for this activity. After finishing the task, our classroom became such a mess, and the students all realized how important rules are. But even in this chaotic situation, the Milky Way class still managed to create this marvelous masterpiece.

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For our last activity this week, each student came up with one rule that they think everyone in ISN should follow. We made posters and signs that we will post around the school to remind all the students about the rules that they should follow.

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This was a very productive week for the Milky Way class, and hopefully, they will be able to apply outside the school setting the things that they have learned in the classroom.
Have a restful weekend, everyone!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Milky Way / Milky Way August 26th – 30th