
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora September 9-13

A special day has been set aside to honour the elderly. It’s Respect for the Aged Day next Monday. For our beloved grandparents, Aurora students made photo frames. Thank you Grandparents for your love 🥰 and dedication to the family!

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This week in class, Aurora has been taught how to fold their clothes. They try to fold their shirts, pants and pajamas neatly. Well done! 👍🏻
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Our sweet potatoes are doing well in our ISN garden. In late August, the students had to turn the roots around so that the harvest will be good for late September or October. They were also introduced the different coloured food groups – yellow, red and green. Sweet potato is part of the yellow food group.
みんなで植えたさつまいもの苗が、すっかり大きくなりました!8月の終わりには、つる返しという作業をしました。長く伸びたつるから根が張らないように、つるを反対側に返すことです。これで10月には大きなさつまいもがとれることでしょう。今週は食べ物の役割についても学びました。Yellow Food-ご飯、パン、イモ類などを食べるとエネルギーがわいて元気に過ごすことが出来る。Green Food-野菜、フルーツなどを食べると、免疫力を高めることが出来る。Red Food-肉、魚類、大豆製品、海藻などを食べると力もちになることが出来る。という事を学びました。ランチに出てきた食べ物を見て、「これを食べると元気が出るね!」というお話をしながら食べています。
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In preparation for Sports Festival, Aurora has been practicing not only for the running race but a few dances too. Here are some of the dance songs that the students have been shaking to – Bunny Hop, Do the Monkey and Down in the Jungle.

Saving the best for last… firefighters from Nagisa Fire Station! We will be having a visit from the firefighters Friday morning. The students will get up close and personal with the red hot fire trucks 🚒. They may even get to wear some firefighting gear. Do watch this space for photo updates! Till next Tuesday, have a restful weekend.
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TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora September 9-13