
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


SS Aug 28

Another great week in Shooting Star! We are enjoying the last weeks of Summer. Since there’s rain from the Typhoons, we’ve probably had our last pool day. We had a great time swimming in the outdoor pool.
As you know, our Sports Festival is coming up very quickly. We are practicing every day. We will be sending our costume pieces home soon. They are so cute! We are going to have so much fun! It will be a great day.
We are going to start practicing for our Christmas Show next! Miss Annette read the story and asked about what parts we might like. It is going to be a great performance this year! Please look forward to it!
Next week we will return to our daily reading books and our phrase of the week! See you Monday!
今週のShooting Starは園外のプールで楽しむことができました!来週は台風の影響で天気が悪そうなので、おそらく今週がプール最後となりそうですね。スポーツフェスティバルまで1ヶ月きり、来週中にはパフォーマンスで使う衣装をご家庭に持ち帰り、保護者の方にお願いすることがありますが、ご協力お願いいたします。スポーツフェスティバルが終わるとハロウィーンパーティー、そしてクリスマスショーとイベント盛りだくさんになります。すでにクラスではクリスマスショーの内容についてアネット先生と子どもたちで話していています。是非お楽しみに!
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