
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Silly Stories With Shooting Star (November 4 – 8)

This week has been a very creative one. We have been making some funny stories together in class. The students have also been making books in their free play time. During the UOI lessons we have been talking about the 5 W’s that we use to make stories. Who, What, Where, When and Why. Some of the stories they have come up with together have been so funny. We are all having a great time!

今週は楽しいおかしな物語作りを楽しみました。Line of Inquiry “There are many parts to a story”の3週目となり、物語を作るうえで大切な5W(Who, What, Where, When and Why)を学びました。みんなで意見を出し合った5Wのカードをひとつずつ引き、それから文章を組み立てました。とっても可笑しな文ができた時には大笑いしていました!週の後半は出来上がった文章を組み立て、それを絵で表すということをペアでしました。2人一組になると、会話が進みお互いのアイディアがどんどんと出てきます。最終的にはとてもオリジナリティー溢れる絵とストーリーができました。

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We continued learning about shapes during our math lessons. This week we colored different gon shapes and glued them on a piece of paper. They had to color the shapes certain colors like orange for octagon and so on. The students needed to count the sides to find the right shape to color.


Since both of our bus trips were canceled due to the weather, we decided to take a trip to the park. We still got to ride the bus because the park we chose was far away. After we had lunch at school we went to the park and had so much fun! The students played on the playground and got to explore the park together. It was such a great time together.


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The weather has been getting much colder now so we hope you all stay warm and have a wonderful weekend!


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TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Silly Stories With Shooting Star (November 4 – 8)