
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Miky Way November 11

Last Monday, MW had a chance to go up to the hill to see the shrine with elementary students. It was a nice day and the students really enjoyed to walk up there. It was beautiful scenery from there when we looked down Matsumoto City. If we have a chance we would like to take a walk there again.
On Wednesday, we had a practice for the Christmas performance with Ms. Rieko. After we went through all the scene, we got feedback from her. She said that our performance got better than last week. Now, everyone knows all their lines with body movements, how to dance, and when and how to get on the stage. The students are more confident on their performance. We will keep practicing more until the day of Christmas Show!!
月曜日は良い天候にも恵まれ、小学部のお兄さん、お姉さんと山の上にある鳥居まで歩きました。上からは松本市が一望出来て、とても綺麗でした。また機会があれば行きたいです。また水曜日にはMs. Riekoがご指導してくださり、クリスマス会の劇の練習をしました。皆一生懸命集中し、Ms. Riekoからは先週よりもずっとよくなりました、とほめていただきました。クリスマス会まで、毎日練習を重ね、当日は素晴らしい舞台にしたいです!!
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