
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Setsubun, Names and Table Manners: Aurora's week of Feb 3-7

“Demons out, demons out!” ISN chanted as we threw paper ball beans at the spooky demons from the mountains. Some Aurora students admitted later that they were scared but they threw the balls at the demons anyway. Way to go!!

Back in the classroom, normality resumed. We went hunting for /th/ in the classroom, as in thumb, Thursday, three. We read a book “Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb”.

We examined our names – reading and spelling them. We sang our names. We chanted them and then we wrote them out. We even counted the number of letters in our names!


教室に戻り、今度は thumb, Thursday, three などのthから始まる言葉を探しました。 Thumbという言葉が出てくる、 “Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb”という本も読みました。


This week, we learned about desert habitat for our IB lessons. “In the desert hot and sunny”, went one of our book entitled No Place like Home. We watched a short clip on the desert environment and its animals. Then, we cut out desert animals such as meerkats, lizards, eagles, rattlesnakes and camels.

IBのレッスンでは、砂漠に住む動物について探求をしました。よくクラスで読んでいる No Place like Home の1フレーズ、「暑くて、いつも晴れの砂漠」についてです。砂漠はどんな所か知るために、砂漠の環境、そこに住む動物たちを紹介するビデオを見ました。その後、ミーアキャット、トカゲ、鷲、ガラガラヘビ、ラクダなどの動物たちを色塗りしてハサミで切り取り、砂漠の絵の上に貼り付けました。

Aurora was reminded about good table manners. We finish all our food, no leftovers please. We even had pictures taken of our excellent lunch etiquette.


We practised hard on our pianicas for music lesson. We played hard at the park too! Till next Monday, a lovely weekend to all.



TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Setsubun, Names and Table Manners: Aurora's week of Feb 3-7