
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Germs Experiment (Aurora July 10-16)


Children learn by doing. Science experiment encourages students to do something which is to observe, ask question, touch, smell, and experiment.


Since our UOI lesson is about importance of keeping themselves clean, we had an experiment on how germs spread and how to get rid of them.


The first experiment we did is how germs can spread to other people. We used glitters as a pretend germs. The teacher put glitters on her hands and let the students touched her them. We discovered that all the students who touched the teacher’s hands got some germs too and that’s the reason why we need to wash our hands regularly.


Another was pepper and soap experiment. We used clean water in a basin, liquid soap, and ground black pepper which is a pretend germs in our experiment. First, we add pepper in the water and we saw that the water became dirty because of the germs. Then we asked some students to dip their fingers in the water and they got the germs from the water, their fingers became dirty. What if we put liquid soap in our finger before dipping it into the water? When we dipped our finger with a liquid soap in the dirty water, we saw that the pepper pull back away from our soapy finger. We found out that germs are afraid of soap and when we wash our hands all the germs will be killed.

そして次の実験は胡椒と石鹸の実験です🧼 まずは桶に水を張ります。そしてバイ菌の代わりに胡椒を水に振り撒きます。水いっぱいに広がったバイ菌を見て、オーロラさんは「germs!」と叫んでいました笑 次に数名の生徒に指を水につけてもらいました。すると指にいっぱいの胡椒(バイ菌)がついてしまいました😱 しかし、石鹸をつけた指で胡椒で一杯の水面を触ってみます。するとどうでしょう!なんと胡椒(バイ菌)が指から逃げていく様に指の周りからいなくなってしまいました👀 この瞬間をみたオーロラさんのみんなの目がキラキラしたリアクションがとても可愛くて印象的でした😁✌️そしてこの実験を通してバイ菌は石鹸を恐れている事、そして私たちが石鹸を使ってしっかり手を洗うとバイ菌を退治する事ができると学びました!石鹸で手洗いはとっても大事ですね😉

Students were also reminded that germs are not for sharing through reading a book. We don’t want to share germs to other people and make them sick. Handwashing is very important and covering our mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, too. Cough and sneeze in your elbow or sleeve, please!


Another way to keep ourselves clean is by brushing our teeth. We watch an animated story entitled “Clean Teeth are Healthy Teeth”. It’s about a boy who only garles his mouth instead of brushing his teeth. Because of that, his friends don’t want to be closed to him and ask him to cover his mouth before talking because his mouth stinks. The lesson that we got from this story is to brush our teeth properly at least twice a day if we don’t want to lose our teeth and friends!

今週は盛りだくさん!歯をしっかり磨いて綺麗で丈夫な歯を保つ事も学びました🦷 まずは「綺麗な歯は健康な歯」というビデオを見ました。この物語の主人公の男の子は歯を磨かずにうがいだけで過ごしてたため、お友達みんなから、口をカバーしないと話したくないと言われてしまいます。しっかりと歯ブラシを毎日最低2回する事で健康で綺麗な歯も、友達も、保つ事ができると男の子もオーロラさんも学ぶことができました😊

We also talked about the foods that can keep our teeth clean, strong and healthy and those that can damage our teeth. We completed a worksheet about it by encircling the foods that are good for our teeth.


In phonics, we focused in letter L as in lock, lotus, ladder, lamp, lion, leaf, and lips. They also practiced writing uppercase letter L.


In math, we finished making rainbow number 10. Our boys and girls are also doing a great job in rote counting up to 50. They are excited to coint more numbers soon!

算数ではレインボーナンバー10を終わらせ、オーロラのみんなは50まで続けて数を数えられる様になっています👍 50位上の数を数えるのがみんな待ちどおしようです😊

Gym class was very fun, too! Aside from hula-hoop exercises and running race, we also did some feet balancing activities. We tried to crawl and walk using our toes and heels copying some animal movements.

ジムレッスンも楽しみました♫ 大好きなフラフープ、かけっこやダンスをして体をいっぱい動かしました✌️

That’s it for Aurora’s blog! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


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