
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


“Learning Takes Place Through Meadow Phrases” Meadow- August 3-7

Meadowフレーズを通して行っている学習 Meadowクラスの8月3日から7日

In this week, Meadow class has been learning new phrases like, What’s your name?, My name is…, What do you like? I like…, I don’t like…. It’s very interesting how our dear little ones engaged in this activity in our morning circle time. Like when the teacher says, what’s your name? Then, everyone in class is saying their name. When the teacher says, I like rabbits 🐇 , then someone in class answers, I like monkeys 🐒. And everyone else engaged. It’s a good practice for us to develop our speaking skills with confidence.

今週はMeadowクラスは What’s your name? や My name is…そして I don’t like…などの新しいフレーズを学んでいます。 Meadowクラスの可愛い小さなお友達が どのようにMorning Circleタイムに参加しているのか大変興味深いです。先生が What’s your name?のように言うと、クラスのみんなは自分の名前を言っています。先生が I like rabbits. と言うと、クラスの誰かが I like monkeys. と答えています。他のみんなも参加しています。この活動は自信を持ち話す力を伸ばすのに良い練習です。

We worked on number recognition from 1-10. Each student stood up in front of the class picked the number up and sticked on the number by the wall stated to them. It’s amazing how they can count and recognize numbers.


We have been learning Land Animals for this month like tiger 🐅, kangaroo 🦘, horse 🐎, Lion 🦁, panda 🐼, elephant 🐘, hamster 🐹, fox 🦊, and many others. Old MacDonald Had A Farm is a perfect song for this topic which we enjoyed singing making animal sounds.

今月はトラ、カンガルー、馬、ライオン、パンダ、象、ハムスター、キツネそして他たくさんの動物達の陸の動物を学んでいます。”Old MacDonald Had A Farm”の曲はこのトピックつまり動物の鳴き声をまねして歌うことを楽しむのに最適な曲です。

Have a fantastic and safe Obon holiday dear ISN families.


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / “Learning Takes Place Through Meadow Phrases” Meadow- August 3-7