
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Origami Buckets and Magic Words (Aurora Oct. 19-23)

Words are very powerful. Words can make people feel great about themselves but can also make them feel bad and hurt their feelings!

In UOI lesson, we read a book entitled “How Full is your Bucket?”. The bucket in this book symbolizes feelings. We learned that everybody has feelings and every time we say and do good things to people we make them feel happy or sad.



Then, we made paper buckets using origami paper. They chose the color they wanted and follow the instructions of the teacher to make it. We had an agreement that every time we hear students using magic words and saying nice words to their friends we’ll give them a bead that can fill up their buckets. Later, we’ll check and see if they are able to full their buckets with beads by using good words.


Aurora students started to practice for their music performance for the upcoming Christmas show. They’ll be using castanets and bells for the song Santa Claus is Coming to Town.


Another performance is the role play of the story The Three Little Pigs. We have been watching and practicing the lines of the pigs and wolf. Soon, we’ll be practicing the dances and actions of the play.


In phonics, we finished the letters Y and Z this week. They colored the pictures that begin with this letters and also traced uppercase letters Y and Z.


We had a rainy Friday, so our boys and girls were not able to go to the park. Even if it’s rainy, they still had fun doing obstacle course in our classroom. They had to jump and hop in the hoops according to the number (1-10) inside. Then, walked forward and sideways on the log. Lastly, pass through the tunnel. Well done!


Everybody also got very excited for our birthday celebrants this month because for the first time we had our birthday party again! Two of our students turned 4 this October. Happiest birthday to you, girls!

今月からバースデーパーティーが復活しました!!みんなでお祝いするバースデーパーティーが初めてのお友達もいて、とっても大興奮していました🥰 今月はオーロラさんから二人のバースデーガールが誕生日を祝ってもらいました🎁

That’s it for this week! Have a great weekend!


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