
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


1…2…3… ACTION! (Aurora Nov. 9-13)

It was another fun and exciting week for Aurora class!


In UOI lesson, we watched the feelings song for the second time and added more body language/actions to the feelings mentioned. Let’s take a look of the following photos to see how they express their feelings through body language.


Our boys and girls are doing good job in being bucket fillers! Before the end of the day, the teachers ask them if they made someone happy today and they are able to say yes and tell what they did. Good job, bucket fillers!

そしてオーロラさんのバケツは、着々とスパンコールでいっぱいになってきています👏毎日クラスが終わる前に、先生がみんなに問いかけます。「みんな今日は、どんな良い言葉・行動ができましたか?お友達をハッピーにできましたか?」 みんな「できたー!!」と、とてもいいお返事が返ってきます🥰

In Math, we continued learning about Ordinal Numbers 1st to 5th. This time we tried to identify the positions of their photos on the board. Where is (name) position? 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th? We also asked them to put the pictures to the position to be told by the teacher. They were very happy to see their photos posted on the board and made them excited to answer and participate during discussion.


In Phonics, we started to study about lowercase letters a, b, and c. We talked about its shape and we discovered that there are lowercase letters which are the same as its uppercase but just differ in size. The ice cream cards are very interesting. We gave them ice cream with lowercase letters written on each of them. Whoever got the lowercase letters a, b, and c would put them in the ice cream cone with uppercase letters A, B, and C on the board. They made four scoops of lowercase letters in each cone.

フォニックスでは小文字を学び始めました!まずはアルファベットのa,b,cからです。まずは大文字の横に小文字を並べて形を比べたり、書き方を研究しました🔍 そして楽しいアクティビティもしました。アイスクリームコーンに書かれた大文字のABCの上に小文字のアイスクリームを乗せるアクティビティ。みんな楽しく小文字を学ぶことができました😉

In Music class, we are now practicing for our Christmas show music performance. We divided the class into two groups. One group plays the castanets and the other group does the bells.


We went to the park and played Mr. Wolf, what time is it?. This game sounds familiar for Aurora students because of the wolf that we have in the Three Little Pigs. They will ask the wolf what time it is saying, “Mr. Wolf, Mr. Wolf, what time is it?” and the wolf will tell them the time saying, “It’s 5 (number) o’clock!”. Then they have to make 5(number)) steps forward going to the wolf and ask the wolf again until they become close to the wolf. At the end, the wolf will say, “It’s dinner time!” and everybody has to run back to their safe house and those who caught will become the new wolves. Then, they enjoyed playing with one another!

みんなの大好きなパークにも行きました☺ ミスターウルフというゲームもしました!オーロラさんには「ウルフ」はなじみのある言葉です!クリスマスショーの劇は三匹の子豚ですから😉 このゲームは”Mr. Wolf Mr. Wolf What time is it?”「狼さん、狼さん、今何時?」と聞き、狼さんが”It’s ~~o’clock!”「〇時」といった時間の数だけ進んでいくゲームです。そして狼さんが”It’s dinner time!”「夕飯の時間だよ!」と言ったらみんなが逃げて狼さんが捕まえた人が次の狼さんになります。日本のだるまさんが転んだの様なゲームです。寒さに負けず、みんなとっても楽しそうに遊んでいました🥰

That’s all! Have a wonderful weekend!


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / 1…2…3… ACTION! (Aurora Nov. 9-13)