
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


“Fruits in Autumn” Meadow- November 9-13

「秋の果物」 Meadowクラス 11月9日から13日

Hi Everyone!


In this week, Meadow class has started practicing for the Christmas Show performance. We will be performing I’m A Little Snowman and Jingle Jingle Little Bell. Everyone has got stickers after every practice and decorated them on their Christmas Tree card. We have learned the skills of good listening and following instructions every time we have a practice. Keep it up, Meadow.

今週、Meadowクラスはクリスマスショーの発表の練習を始めました。子供達はI’m A Little SnowmanとJingle Jingle Little Bellの曲を披露します。みんな練習した後ご褒美のシールをもらい、それをクリスマスツリーの絵のカードに貼ってツリーをシールで飾りました。子供達は練習の時は毎回。お話を良く聞いてお約束を守ったりすることを学んでいます。Meadowクラスのお友達、その調子で頑張ってね。

Before autumn season ends, we made autumn fruits craft according to their choice. We talked about colors and we learned the fruit names. We pretended eating the fruit with yummy feeling. Yum, yum, yum, it’s good!


It’s Ms. Marlyn’s birthday and so we sang a birthday song for her. Then everyone greeted a happy birthday to her. Happy birthday, Ms. Marlyn 🎁.

今日はMarlynのbirthdayでした。みんなでbirthday songを歌い、みんな口々におめでとうを言いました。おめでとう!Ms.Marlyn。

Have a great weekend everyone.


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / “Fruits in Autumn” Meadow- November 9-13