
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Shooting Star/Savanna ISN's Little Writers!

This week we finished our second line of inquiry. The summative assessment for this line of inquiry was making their own stories. The students learned about the different parts that make a story and used everything they learned to create their own.


The students then shared their stories with the class. We were able to assess how much their communication skills improved over the course of the unit. We were also able to asses the improvement of the IB attributes we were focusing on which were, communicators, open-minded and knowledgeable.

その後、クラス内で一人一人自分で制作したオリジナルの物語を発表しました。このコースを通して、子供達はコミュニケーション能力を高めることができたかをも、発表を見て感じられました。更には、communicators, open-minded そしてknowledgeableといったIB attributesについても能力を伸ばせていると感じる事が出来ました。

Our last line of inquiry will be ways of presenting our stories. Since the Christmas show is coming up soon, we will use this opportunity to teach them about presenting.

最後のLOIは、いよいよ自分達で物語を表現する、演じてみる、という内容にうつります。クリスマスショーでの劇が良い機会となります。劇の練習を通して学んでいきます。[envira-gallery id=”95274″]

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!良い週末をお過ごしください。

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