
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Happy Thanksgiving! (Milky Way)

This week is full of giving thanks for those things we love the most! Firstly, we are so very thankful for an opportunity to learn about the Thanksgiving Celebration! The students were all thrilled to welcome two of our parents in Milky Way who talked about this very special celebration. We learned about the origin of Thanksgiving and how it all started 400 years ago! We also learned that turkey is one of the symbols for this celebration. Mr. Thomas taught us how to draw a turkey using our handprints. The students really enjoyed this art activity as they got to express their creative skills! It was a fun-filled talk, and we are so grateful to our Milky Way parents who always give their support to our class.

今週は感謝あふれる一週間になりました!まず最初に、アメリカの「感謝祭」というお祝いについて学ぶことが出来たことに感謝したいと思います。この特別なお祝いについてお話していただくために、ミルキーウェイクラスの保護者の方お二人にお越しいただきました。感謝祭の起源や、このお祝いが始まったのは何と400年前だという事を知りました!また、感謝祭のシンボルと言えば七面鳥! Mr. Thomas に自分たちの手形を使って七面鳥を描く方法を教わりました。型をとった七面鳥を自分たちの好きな色に塗って、オリジナルの作品を作りました。みんなとっても楽しそうに取り組んでいました。楽しい時間を過ごし、ミルキーウェイのみんなをいつも温かくサポートして下さる保護者の皆様に、感謝の気持ちでいっぱいになりました。

In Phonics, we are thankful to have learned and practiced how to write the plural form of words. We learned how to add-s, -es, or -ies at the end of words to make it plural. It was a challenge at first to remember the rules of writing the plural form of words, but with some practice and a lot of fun games, the students got a lot better at it.

フォニックスのレッスンでは、単語の複数形を書く練習が出来たことに感謝です。単語を複数形にするために、 -s、-es、-iesのいづれかを最後につける練習をしました。最初は理解は難しかったようですが、楽しいゲームを通じて正しい綴りを覚えることが出来ました。

Lastly, we are thankful to have a chance to make some of our props for the upcoming Christmas Show! This week we finished one important part of our play, which is the Yellow Brick Road! The student painted the cardboard and cut yellow papers to make them look like bricks. It turned out nicely, and we hope it would look good on stage too!


This week made us realize that there’s always something to be thankful for.

We hope that you will all have a safe and wonderful weekend! Thank you for reading our blog!



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