
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Say Hello to a Snowman! (Aurora Nov. 30- Dec. 4)

Children are naturally creative. It is our job to give them the freedom, materials, and space to let their creativity blossom to its full potential. -Jean Van’t Hul

This week in UOI lesson, we talked about the different art materials they can use in creating arts such as poster paint, crayons, water color, and chalk. Since they haven’t tried drawing using chalk on the paper, we did one. They used wet chalk in drawing on the paper. Using wet chalk goes smoothly on the paper and produces more vibrant color than if it is dry. Since December is the start of the winter season, we asked them what makes them excited about this season. They said that they like snow, making snow balls, and making snowman. So, we let them drew a snowman using the wet chalk. Let’s look at their own version of snowman.

今週のUOIレッスンでは、色々な種類のアートの作り方について学びました。ペイントやクレヨン、水性絵の具、チョーク等を使って絵を描くことができるという事を話ました。オーロラさんはまだ、チョークを使って紙に絵を描いたことがなかったので、とっても興味深々でした!いつもお外で使っているチョーク。紙の上ではどんな感じなのかな?👀 今回は冬にちなんだアートにしたかったので、雪だるまさんを描きました⛄ みんなのスノーマン、とってもキュートで個性的ですね🥰

 In Phonics, Aurora did a worksheet about uppercase and lowercase letters Aa to Ff. They encircled the lowercase letter of the given uppercase letter on the side. Most of them answered it all correctly! We also did matching ice cream uppercase and lowercase letters. Everybody loves this ice cream activity!

フォニックスでは引き続き大文字小文字を学んでいま す。今週は ワークシートを使って AからFまでの小文字にフォーカスしました🔍 ほとんどの生徒が正しい小文字を選ぶことができていました😉そして楽しいアクティビティもしました!みんなが大好きアイスクリームコーンのゲームです🍧

In Math, we learned about the number 16. We practiced writing this number and counting up to 16 objects.


Christmas show is coming soon, we had our picture taking wearing their costumes and had our first rehearsal on the stage! Aurora did a great job on their first rehearsal!

そしてクリスマスショーまであと2週間となりました!パンフレット用の写真を撮るためにコスチュームに着替えクリスマスツリーの前で写真撮影📷🎄 ぶたさんとおおかみさんの被り物とベストをきてみんなとってもご機嫌❤笑顔いっぱいでした!リハーサルではみんなとても楽しみにしていたようで、「早く行きたいね!」「あ~楽しみだね🎵」と言っているのが聞こえました!みんなとても落ち着いていて、劇のリハーサルはとても上手にできました👏

On November, three students from Aurora turned 4 years old. We sang a happy birthday song for them, asked their age, and gave them their birthday cards. Happiest birthday, November celebrants!


We went to the park on Monday and enjoyed playing with this big playing structure!


Have a wonderful weekend!


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Say Hello to a Snowman! (Aurora Nov. 30- Dec. 4)