
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Going to the Forest! (Aurora Jan. 17-21)

Videos increase student engagement, which in turn helps boost achievement. If students are interested in the material, they will process and remember it better. They offer the flexibility to pause, rewind, or skip throughout the video to have class discussions or review particular areas.


This week in UOI lesson, we watched some videos as we talked about forest animals. First, we watched “Going to the Forest”. I asked them, if you are one of the students in the video, what animals would you like to see in the forest? Most of them shared their answers and we waited and guessed if the right animals were going to show up in the video and got very happy whenever they guessed correctly.

今週のUOIレッスンは森に住む動物についてです。まずは”going to the forest”というビデオで、子供たちがバスに乗って森に探検しに行くビデオです。先生が「もしオーロラさんがこのビデオの中の一人になって森を探検するなら、どんな動物を見たい?」と問いかけ、自分が言った動物に出会えるかどうか、楽しみながらビデオを見ました。

After that, they chose the animals that live in the forest from the animals posted on the board and put them in the forest poster. If they get a farm animal, they have to put it in the farm poster. Everybody did a great job in this activity!


Another video that we watched was about what forest animals eat to survive. This video is very good because it allows students to name the animals first, guess what food each animals eat, choose from the choices, and assess if their answers are correct. They learned that some animals eat trees, fruits, and plants available in the forest and there are animals that eat other or smaller animals to survive.


Aurora made a craft which we called Name Snowman. First, they counted the letters of their name and got round papers for the body of the snowman and one more for the head. They glued them like a snowman, wrote their names in each paper, drew the face of the snowman, cut and pasted the hat, and decorated the hat with stickers. Well done, Aurora!

今週はプールがなかったのでクラフトをしました!季節のクラフトなので、今回は「名前雪だるま」を作りました。まずは自分の名前のアルファベットを数えます。そして配られた丸い紙をのりでくっつけ、雪だるまの体を作ります。そして自分の名前を好きな色のクレヨンで書き、雪だるまの顔も描きます。最後に雪だるまさんの帽子を切り、貼り付け、シールでデコレーションして出来上がり!!オーロラさんは自分の名前を書く練習を始めたばかりですが、とても上手に名前のアルファベットを書く事ができました👏 とても可愛い雪だるまができましたね😍

In math, we are learning about numbers that make 10. They really like the song I like to make 10. They even tried to read the numbers in the video like 0+10 makes 10, 1+9 makes 10…

算数では10までの足し算を学びました。オーロラさんは”I like to make 10”という歌がとても好きで、その歌を歌いながら10までの足し算を学んでいます。写真のアクティビティでは、先生が出す問題「2+8=10」等のカードを見て、2個・8個のチップをテーブルに並べることをしました。

In music, our boys and girls started to use pianica. They are now learning the “do” key which they have to press using their daddy finger. They’ll practice more in the following music classes.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Going to the Forest! (Aurora Jan. 17-21)