
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


A Week Full of Learning and Fun! (Aurora Feb. 1-5)

Hello and welcome to another fantastic week with Aurora class!

Our boys and girls started the week by making a Setsubun themed craft which is an Oni mask. They glued the cupcake papers on top of the mask to make the hair, drew the nose and mouth, and cut one or two triangles to make the horns.

On the day of Setsubun, there was an oni monster came to our classroom. To get rid of the monster and bad luck, Aurora students had to throw beans (newspaper balls). That was so fun and scary at the same time!

We also had a fun game in UOI to end the LOI1: We share the world with animals. Behind the colored papers are the habitats of animals such as farm, forest, desert, ocean, and land & ocean. Hiding behind the numbers are animals. Each student had to choose a color and a number, open it up, and see if the habitat matches the animal they chose. If not, they had to tell which habitat that animal lives.
UOIレッスンではLOI1 「私たちは動物と地球を共有する」 の最後を締めくくる、たのしいゲームで今までのレッスンの復習をしました!動物たちの生息地が5つ、カラーペーパーに隠れています。そして1から24の数字の裏には、色々な動物が隠れています。それぞれ生息地を1つ選び、数字も一つ選び、自分が選んだ動物がその生息地に住んでいるかいないかを答えるゲームです。少し戸惑ったりもしましたが、クラスのみんなで助け合ったりしてすべて答えることができました👏さすがオーロラさん🥰

This week, we began with LOI2: We help animals. Students were asked if they help animals and how they help animals. It’s good that some of them have pets at home and were able to share their ideas how they help those animals. Then, pictures of people helping animals were shown to them and they explained what situations are happening. They learned that there are many ways to help animals such as giving food and water, giving medicine to sick animals, providing them a house, taking them to the vet, and giving them a bath.
今週からLOI2「私たちは動物を助ける」を始めました。クラスディスカッションではどのように私たちが動物を助けるのかを話し合いました。一番みんなが知っていたのは、ペットについてでした。お家で犬や猫に何をしてあげているかを聞いて、他にもどんなことができるか等も話し合いました。そしてピクチャーカードを使い、その写真はなにをしているところかを考えたりもしました。動物のお医者さんもいました。私たちは、動物に食べ物を与えたり、病気を治したり、遊んであげたり、綺麗にしてあげたりできることを学びました。今週の オーロラさんは、私たちが動物にできる事をたくさん学ぶことができました😉✌

The book “Paula the Vet” gave them knowledge how veterinarians help animals. People bring their pets to the vet when they get injured, acting differently or not feeling well and the vet is going to figure out the reason and help them recover.

We also talked about pet animals. Students were asked what pet they have or which pet they wish to have. They chose among cat, dog, rabbit, bird, fish, and hamster. They were able to say, “I have a _____. or I want a ______.”
そしてみんなが良く知っている「ペット」について、プレゼンテーションもしました。写真の中から自分が飼っている、又はほしいペットを選び、みんなの前で “I have a _____.” か “I want a ______.” と大きな声で発表しました。

In phonics, they are learning to read new CVC words such as leg, peg, pen, men, ten, and hen. They did word and picture matching.

In math, we tried writing the missing number on the line to make 10. They have been improving in writing numbers too!

Lastly, Aurora students had fun playing at the schoolyard, climbing up the ramp, running around, and drawing/writing on the ground with colorful chalks.

That’s all. Have a wonderful weekend!

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